Kill the person above you thread

Andrew WK kills you with PARTY PARTY PARTY song
:ciappa: shoves you head in this guys a$$ and you choke on corn.
my brain juices burn cratos`s toes and he explodes for no apparent reason and destroys the earth and chu-jelly rule everthing
Master Cheif, Samus, Kratos, and Mr. Rogers team up and Master Cheif shoots rockets while Samus shoots power beams and Kratos hacks at you and Mr. Rogers stands there, and is real nice to you and then comes out of nowhere with a knife to the ribs.
melted cheese flys out of a volcano, as it happens your alergic to cheese.
hobos with fax machines, classy
Solid Snake sneaks up behind you in a carboard box but you see the box moving and you get an exclamation mark over your head but Snake pops up and tranquilizes you, then throws your body into the ocean, which has lots of hungry sharks. Did I mention there's fresh blood on you?

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