Kill the person above you thread

They relize that your finger prints were all over the dead guy not mine.

i was at the scene, but i used your finger prints :)

they find you. After the terminator does and after he totally ripped you apart :)
like you said, im also dead the police shot me, remember.


just play along dude. . .

you develop a third nipple which explodes in a unholy sea of fire, burning you to death.
A virus makes all the dead rise again, my crispy well done carcase rises, reachs for a axe, makes you into a stir fry.
You get your eyes pecked out by the Frolw, "your avatar's new nickname"
I go on, go on website destroyer, find a picture of you and voila.

one dead fox.

wait, have yu posted a pic tails?
What pic? Ill post a random pic if thats what you mean...
Fox_McCloud_Sol_by_Foxmetal.jpg die for no reason...
nah, i ment a pic a pic of you not a fox one.

you die naturally.
Yes...the only way I will ever die...
No, I dont have a (working) web cam and I dont want to buy yet ANOTHER so F that, (Damn Best Buy...)
You die when you look in your closet to get dressed and find this...
do you have a digital camara with a sd card?

you die because i have a reversing mirror and the tiger bounces off it at you.
You get in your car and start listening to 80s rock OOOO Barracuda! and a random Barracuda appears and eats your face.
owell, i couldnt kill you because i couldnt find a picture of your face to destroy so you revive and then this happens. . . .


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