Kill the person above you thread

swims back up the river styx and destroys you with a letter opener.
You laugh to death at this picture...LOL
Tails McCloud~ said:
You laugh to death at this picture...LOL

im more afraid of furrys then I think the are funny whats wronge with some people thats gotta be the weirdest fetish out there.
You die for not posting a death post
A arm of koala's march towards you, with there awsome weapons of death.

needless to say the koalas rip you limb from limb
You die because its not gay, its ANIME+FURRY!!! duh
Oh yeah, from...uhhh... your dull sense of comedy. You are quite droll...but cool, so you dont explode, just drop dead...
You get shot by the commando santa
i let micheal jackson within 5000 miles of you then you comiit suicide by chopping your own dick off then loss of blood
l0000000000 l
l00000000000 l
l-------------l i trap you in this box and throw you into the sea you die of lack of oxygen and the box crashes on very sharp rocks underwater driving a spike threw you
I burn your intestines with diffrent chemical compounds.

slowly your insides rot and burn away, the pain is to intence for you.

I knock you out, fill your mouth with bags of drugs, make you swallow, they pop in your stomach. I insert drugs into your nose. I put a small bag of crack in your hand. Call police.

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