Kill the person above you thread

I cut you up into peices, make a stir fry outa of you and add a nice kianty with your kindeys.

I then feed you to hannibal lector.
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  • #363
The vomit turns into a demon
It starts trowing carrots at you the carrots cut you in 8ths
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  • #365
Bangs your heads together
Whoa just like tomatos

Also new rules (read first post)
You must quote the person or persons your attackin
motherbrainrulez said:
lee.jarratt... i fu*kin hate you

Was there any need?

Back on topic:

I shoot you to pluto and corrupt penguins and then i transport them to pluto.

The corrupted penguins slowly peck you to death, crush you by waddling over you in large groups, and by dipping your head into snow.
Cpt.McLoud said:
Was there any need?

Back on topic:

I shoot you to pluto and corrupt penguins and then i transport them to pluto.

The corrupted penguins slowly peck you to death, crush you by waddling over you in large groups, and by dipping your head into snow.

thanks pal
i chop ur head off and stick it in a pressure cooker until your heaf explodes. meanwhile, i feed the rest of your body to turtles
I tell lee that his Nintendo Wii broke because I threw an orange(peeled) at it, and it splattered everywhere and the juices got all on the inside, and game worked for a little, but once the juices got all the way to the inside, then it broke down, and fried. Then lee cries so hard that his eyeballs fall out, and he can't see. Then, I have to lead him around town to the store to buy his ice cream and fruit punch and stuff. Eventually, I get really sick of it because he is so bossy, and tries to fight me when I accidentally let him buy the wrong brand of fruit punch, but I won't fight him because he is blind, and I would feel bad beating up on him, so he ends up just punching me. But sometimes I hide so he can't find me, and he ends up punching other stuff, like his broken Wii. Finally, I tell him that we are going to go and get a new Wii since his first one broke. We drive to the mountains, and I tell him that we are at the Toys R Us. He gets so excited and runs to the door, but it really isn't the door. It is actually a huge cliff that he falls off of. After he falls, he breaks his legs. He can't walk to find food, so he eats his heart and dies.
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  • #369
Tacos said:
I tell lee that his Nintendo Wii broke because I threw an orange(peeled) at it, and it splattered everywhere and the juices got all on the inside, and game worked for a little, but once the juices got all the way to the inside, then it broke down, and fried. Then lee cries so hard that his eyeballs fall out, and he can't see. Then, I have to lead him around town to the store to buy his ice cream and fruit punch and stuff. Eventually, I get really sick of it because he is so bossy, and tries to fight me when I accidentally let him buy the wrong brand of fruit punch, but I won't fight him because he is blind, and I would feel bad beating up on him, so he ends up just punching me. But sometimes I hide so he can't find me, and he ends up punching other stuff, like his broken Wii. Finally, I tell him that we are going to go and get a new Wii since his first one broke. We drive to the mountains, and I tell him that we are at the Toys R Us. He gets so excited and runs to the door, but it really isn't the door. It is actually a huge cliff that he falls off of. After he falls, he breaks his legs. He can't walk to find food, so he eats his heart and dies.

Kills you with over use of words
Darkprinny said:
Kills you with over use of words

Hires barry scott to wash you with cilit bang.

Bang and the dirt is gone;)
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  • #371
Cpt.McLoud said:
Hires barry scott to wash you with cilit bang.

Bang and the dirt is gone;)

He stays and kills you with his voice
Anoying shouty prat
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  • #373
in touch with the wii said:
the clit bang explodes and kills you in a firey blaze you trip and set fire to the floor

Barry Scott rapes you with the jumbo sized bottle
Darkprinny said:
Barry Scott rapes you with the jumbo sized bottle
Takes a spear in hand looks at you then smiles maniacaly. You know whats going to happen. I *** ****** ** *** *** * **** ** ******** ***** ** ****** *** **** *** **** * *** ***** then you die from a combination of blood loss and missing head.

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