Kill the person above you thread

poisons nintendocams cookies and watches you die a slow, painful death.
Video_Game_Princess said:
wow this really distrubing

welcome to a male-dominated forum about video games!!

takes video_game_princess's heels stabs her eye out and force-feeds it to her.
I'd make you watch 2 hours of teletubbies, then make you watch the san jose sharks lose, and then the giants lose, then burn you, then stab you, then roll you over with a car =D.
suprisingly, only the teletubbies really did anything to kill me.

sticks a knive into the apple you're catching so when you catch it it infects you with a deadly poison that causes you kneel over in pain and accidentaly break your nintendo wii in half :sad:

EDIT: directed at Rival, i've already killed you video_game_princess, why don't you die??!! is it possible that you have no life, and i cannot kill that which has no life? (south park reference)
Desentigrates You Skin, Leaving Your Flesh To Deteriorate While Your Corpse Stays Buried Forever.
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Teliports you into space
You explode
WTF Was That For!? I Was Just Telling You To Not Double Post! It Takes Up Bandwith.

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