Kill the person above you thread

I smack you with my tralala and kick you in the brain
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  • #350
I rip out your brain then shove it down your trougt
I question your spelling and your extra account and then you drop dead from chlorine poisoning.
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  • #352
I question the question that cant be questioned
Your head explodes due to my logic
No, I understand. Im not one of the dumber posters. So it doesnt work. Your logic is however questioned by a raging idiot from North Carolina and smacks you with a building.
Darkprinny said:
I question the question that cant be questioned
Your head explodes due to my logic

i punch you in the eye repeatedly, nick your wallet, credit your grans pension scheme to my bank account, the i take her walking frame and throw it at you giving you permanent brain damage. i realise your still not dead so i pour petrol on you and set you alight. Twice
I throw your bad hair at you. You get offended then charge. I hit you with a well placed side kick to your kidney. You hold your side and I take the opertunity to then behead you with a rusty machete.
Tails McCloud~ said:
I throw your bad hair at you. You get offended then charge. I hit you with a well placed side kick to your kidney. You hold your side and I take the opertunity to then behead you with a rusty machete.

my hair rocks! anyway, i pour lava into ur mouth and you turn to ash
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  • #357
I get my kitana out and start to cut peoples hair

Whoa is there suposed to be blood
Darkprinny said:
I get my kitana out and start to cut peoples hair

Whoa is there suposed to be blood

Why would you cut peoples hair? i stab you in the neck with a mango
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  • #359
Dont know there is hair
Eats the mango

Vomits all over you

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