Kill the person above you thread

I become a sadictic evil over lord of mars and throw dust in your eyes:cool:
I toss you in my '85 Silverado's cooling fan
luaghs because you spelt it wrong then you cry and die because you drown in your own tears
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  • #278
Sitck his head in that there big fan I got
While laughing at you spelling laughing wrong i cough up killer furballs that eat you.

*was ment for bonodo
I inject you with hay fever then get a big old jcb to dump loads of grass on you:D
use Magic Mirror and then kicks you
Takes your wii hostage and say if you dont kill yourself the wii dies:scared:
goes into computer screen and rips up your avatar then rips your sig and then uses web to go to your computer and puts everything on the computer into the recycle bin (even a copy of the recycle bin not just the shortcuts) then goes into the bin and presses empty

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