Kill the person above you thread

You fall down the hole at the end of the first stage on Comix Zone "That one gets me all the time...=["
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  • #243
Puts tails in a manga

Yeah you just killed yourself Kira...or at least you typed it like you did.
Gets the invincability TV screen from Sonic and all the Chaos Emeralds and goes Turbo Tails "comic version" and kills you all with a cape
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  • #246
But super sonic and turbo tails wrent invincable
Hukoto shinken has no weekness

Uses the Fist of the Northern star on Prinny...
"Is THAT what that is?"
[EDIT] Yup, just googled it
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  • #248
Ha your fake Hukoto shinken has no effect on a master
Rubs your nuts on a cheese grater and "Home Runs" you with the Pizza Paddle
Injects a swarm of giant mutant bee's with a killer goo and gives them spider web shooting thingy and last of all give them all rabies and store them in giant be hives bombs that explode and unleash the bee's :)

you run away from the bee's fall over a rock and i use a magnifing glass to slowly melt you
Has Kon kick you in the man jam maker
Once dead i pop and shoot out milloins of missiles thata re full of matchs, petrol and bleach
Miss with all of them, feels stupid, I shake my head, then you turn around and walk forward looking down, and you dissapear out of shame

Post was ment for Cpt. McLoud

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