Kill the person above you thread

I then play Fox, and rip your throut out
Kira misses and hits YOUR mom
My time of shame is over and i eat toxic sprouts and fart out carbon dioxide gas which everyone inhales
It has no effect, as I turn into a tree and use it a nutrients, then stab you with a branch
when you stab me i bleed out petrol and it sprays all over you so i spray you with some lynxs and then throw a fire ball at you
You miss...again...and "repeat previous post" walk away...
does a prince of persia and reverse's time then slow's it down and makes sure i dont miss
I cut off your limbs, pour alcohol all over you, and then light a match. As the flame catches, I drop the stick on you and disappear with a *poof!*
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Walks in and Stuns ever one in a mass stone cold frenzy
Walks In And Grabs A Wine Glass Smashes Off The Drinky Bit Then ShaRpens The POinty Bit And Stabbes You In The Wind Pipe Then Rips THE BIT OF GLASS Out Gets Loads Of Cockroaches Down Your Throaght Then Gets My Pet Lizard To Go Through Your Mouth And Eat All Of Them But Some Have Gone Into Your Heart Then He Rips It Open And Starts Drinking Your Blood And He Then Comes Back Out And You Die.

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