I've gotten a wii - now what do I do with it :)

^I would say thats probably your best choice for a party game.
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Reading up on genre I'm missing a driving type game - any good ones? multi-player? same time?

honestly don't need the steering wheel? or is that one accessory I should definately have?

Meanwhile ohhh medal of honor looks good - it mentions the zapper in the description - anyone have it with the zapper - can you put 4 people on it at one time, rest up to 32 online - if I'm understanding it right?

Do I need multiple Zappers?
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Mario Kart Wii [a racing game] is going to be released in spring of 2008. Other than that, there are various driving games currently available, but are not necessarily too good, from what I've heard.
laruli said:
Reading up on genre I'm missing a driving type game - any good ones? multi-player? same time?

honestly don't need the steering wheel? or is that one accessory I should definately have?

Meanwhile ohhh medal of honor looks good - it mentions the zapper in the description - anyone have it with the zapper - can you put 4 people on it at one time, rest up to 32 online - if I'm understanding it right?

Do I need multiple Zappers?

zappers are not essential they just enhance the experience on some games.

racing games so far are all pretty shoddy but excite truck is the best of them , 1-2 players.

i would wait for mario kart wii, beggining of 2008, which also comes with a steering wheel. and has online, or offline 1-4 players

Medal of honor sadly has no offline multiplayer. But does Not Need zapper but works better with it.

steering wheels are no good for excite truck but will be for Mario kart, but w8 for official wheel

despite what people say, mario galaxy and metroid prime 3, are not good for your situation.

both are great great games, but MP3 has no multiplayer and is more for experienced gamers.

Mario galaxy has co-op (2player) but not good 2 player, it is suitable for you and your daughter but is mostly single player
wii play gr8 1-2 player game with a free remote
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there are other party games besides mario party 8 like rayman raving rabbids 1-2 but dont buy #2 it was rushed and is a big disapointment to alot of people including myself
And another 4 player game that is coming out in spring is super smah brother brawl.And reamember that all gamecube games work on the wii with a classic or gamecube controller.
Curious - how old is your daughter Laruli?

Resident evil-UC is a pretty gruesome game for a youngster even if it is a great game.

IMHO - i think you are maxed out wii wise - let her open it on xmas day, set it up and start playing. wont take long to see if there is anything else she may want for it. i highly doubt she will be disapointed with what you have already!

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hehe, its all a matter of what I had time for...today is my first available day for this kind of research. Though I did have a general idea, and as I said friends/family helped (blind leading the blind). Looks like I did ok...need a couple more remotes and a couple battery packs and to take back the accessory pack. Mostly though we knew we wanted the Wii over other choices like Playstation 3 and XBox360. I did consider doing a rent the game program - but yikes prices would goof up next Christmas.

I'll watch for some games to round out what I have after Christmas.

So far I'm thinking she'd get a decent amount of use out of
My Word Coach (spice up the home schooling)
Mario Party 8
WarioWare Smooth Moves
and eventually Mario Cart

I'd still love some feedback of other games I should look at or things I should know. You'll be seeing the more specific questions in other threads. Thanks for all the help everyone!

She will be 14 January 11th. RI:UC is mostly for the hubby and her to play together, but if its too .... hrm... would be good to know.
laruli said:
I have a Wii (sports package w/game/controller/nunchuk) under the tree for my daughter. It is joined by:

Super Paper Mario
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chron.
Mario Strikers Charged
Guitar Hero III
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Zelda Twilight Princess
DDR: Hottest Party (w/mat)
Link's Crossbow Training (w/zapper)

1 Classic Controller
1 extra remote
1 extra nunchuk
3 extra dance pads
2000 Points
Accessory pack (tennis racket, baseball bat, boxing gloves, golf club, steering wheel, gun, 2 x 1800 mah batteries (w/cords), grip, skins, protector)

Wow, listing it here makes it sound huge...anyway...She is home schooled and often has multiple friends come over when her work is done to play and hang out. We figured this would be a good safe haven to keep the kids out of trouble but I don't want her spending a ton of time alone on it.

What games listed play with how many people? (I'm told DDR:HP can play up to 4 people at one time - thus the extra dance pads.)

What games (listed and out there) are best with at least 2 and preferably up to 4 (I assume this is the max number wii can handle at one time?)

With more duplicate accessories, will more players play at the same time? So I should I have a set of 4 everything? (accessories, remotes, nunchuks, etc.)

What is the 2000 pts for?

How many batteries can the Wii charge at one time?

What should I be asking and what can I expect when this thing is hooked up?
Am I missing anything?

I'm clueless here and don't see the point of shelling out this kind of cash if we don't take advantage of all the Wii has to offer.

How old is your daughter? You should be able to tell from the cover that Resident Evil wouldn't be good for any girl younger than 13, your an impulse buyer, I admire that.
laruli said:
She will be 14 January 11th. RI:UC is mostly for the hubby and her to play together, but if its too .... hrm... would be good to know.

well hope i helped,

one last game ill suggest.

super monkey ball bananna blitz, oh and mario and sonic at the olympic games, both amazing for people to play together.

all of these

M&S at olympics
SMBB and Mario party 8 have recived average reviews but they are mostly reviewed by people playing alone, but with friends all 3 are great fun, and all 3 are 1-4 players
So THIS is Nintendo's demographic...
Well, sir. I have 5 younger sisters. I think I can help you out here.

A good 1-4 player game is Wii Sports which comes with the Wii. It's best played with the remotes, not the accessories.

Now, if you think that it will ONLY be played when other people are around, then you're on the right track. But if you think she'll want to play it by herself every once and a while then 'Super Mario Galaxy' is the best choice.

Multi-player. Try 'Rayman Raving Rabids' or 'Wario Ware: Smooth Moves'. Both are decent party-games. No good racing games are out so far other than 'Excite Truck'.

Resident Evil might be a bit mature for her with the exploding heads of zombies and such.

If she has the Pokemon DS games, then Pokemon Revolution might be a good game for her. I think it's only 2 players, though.

Oh, for future reference.

In February, Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out. That will be the best (by far) fighting game for Wii. It's also 4 player!

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