I've gotten a wii - now what do I do with it :)

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  • #48
kronau said:
i havent bean to one of my frieds houses for a year and a half thanks to online gameing

Thats precisely what I don't want to happen...

Meanwhile Zanzamods, Woot ty, I think you are finally getting to what I need - the picture (omg that makes so much sense) and no, I had no clue the nunchuk must have a remote to be useful.

LevesqueIsKing, totally agree with you about the spam. Also, ok so lets say steak vs turkey - 1. beef vs poultry, then assuming mario galaxy is beef, you are now saying ground vs filet? so what "beef" class is galaxy?

The best beef class, thats for sure. If you go into a gaming store, you might be able to try a playable demo of it.
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  • #50
Published by: Nintendo
Developed by: Nintendo EAD Tokyo
Genre: Platformer
Number of Players: 1-2
Release Date:
US: November 12, 2007
Japan: November 1, 2007
Europe: November 16, 2007
Australia: November 29, 2007
MSRP: $49.99

ESRB Content Descriptors: Mild cartoon violence

Minimum Requirements:
Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller

Features: Dolby Pro Logic II

is what IGN says -

So we are talking basically single player - as someone here said 2 player is a joke, and platformer - what does that mean?
Yes, it is basically single player. It is not a full-fledged 2 player, they can only help out the main player, and don't even get their own character to control.

Have you ever played a Mario game? Platformer games have died out since 3D gaming was created, but basically it just means you are going from place to place [sometimes via platforms].

I'll get some videos up for you, hold on...
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  • #52
Zanzamods said:
Correct, if a game allows 4 players to play at the same time and requires the nunchuk, then everyone playng need a wiimote+nunchuk.

Here i made this picture for you:

If the remote has a 4 on it - thats 4 players...but does that also mean at the same time or is that taking turns or does it vary and is there a way to tell?
^I am fairly certain that that means 4 players at the same time. Any game can be played with four players by sharing the remote...
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  • #54
Ah! see that helps immensely, so even galaxy can be played with more than one player by taking turns with the remote? Does that mean you can set different characters - and say when one person dies instead of starting a new life, its the next person's/character's turn?

Also, I'm getting the terminology - I have genre of:

Action - super paper (1 person???)
Action/adventure - Zelda 1 person
Shooter - RI:UC 2 people
Music - guitar hero (1 person???) (If I have 4 guitars, do I have 4 kids playing at the same time?)
Music Action - DDR:HP 4 person
Platform - Sonic SR 4 person?
Sports - Mario Strikers 4 person + internet
and WII sport - varies by game 1-4 people

What genre am I missing?

Mario Party 8 only scored like a 5 in the ratings scale - isn't there something better out there for same time, multiplayers?

Also, i'm thinking Wii Play might be nice to have - especially since it comes with a remote?

Is there an action or shooter 4 player out there people like?
yeah i thought all that gear was going to be a lot lot lot of money

but i totaled it up and it comes to about 900$

I'm 18 and i have a job and i could never afford all that at once, but i guess everything is different when you are older and make much more substantial salaries....I cant wait! haha
Here is a Mario Galaxy Trailer:
Some of the views may look a bit awkward, but you get used to them in no time. Some levels are played while travelling from one planetoid to the next [and different planets have different gravities] while some levels are played more traditionally. In these, you are simply walking across flat ground and it feels like a true platformer.

Here is a trailer for Metroid Prime 3 Corruption:

This game is for a truly hardcore gamer. I'm not sure if your daughter would like this game much, but you've mentioned that you play shooters and I would think that you would love this game. It is not online, but if offers 15-20 hours of gameplay just to beat the game once. You aim at the screen by pointing with the wii-remote, and, in all, this game REALLY takes advantage of the wii's motion sensibility. It is fairly difficult, but don't be discouraged if you have to look up a walk-through every now and then. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption is also only a 1 player game.
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  • #57
Eddienoteddy said:
yeah i thought all that gear was going to be a lot lot lot of money

but i totaled it up and it comes to about 900$

I'm 18 and i have a job and i could never afford all that at once, but i guess everything is different when you are older and make much more substantial salaries....I cant wait! haha

It also helps when you tell all your friends and family that the only thing you want is a Wii for Christmas - then tell them that if they get you a game to make sure they tell your parents that way you're parents will just have to get you the Wii - not that my daughter is sneaky or anything LOL
laruli said:
I have a Wii (sports package w/game/controller/nunchuk) under the tree for my daughter. It is joined by:

Super Paper Mario
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chron. 1-2 players
Mario Strikers Charged 2 players + online play
Guitar Hero III Dont know, but you need a guitar attatchment per player
Sonic and the Secret Rings up to 4 players (gr8 multiplayer)
Zelda Twilight Princess 1 player only
DDR: Hottest Party (w/mat) 4 players
Link's Crossbow Training, 8 players max 1 at a time play (w/zapper)

1 Classic Controller i would suggest getting 2
1 extra remote i suggest 3 extra total of 4
1 extra nunchuk same as remotes
3 extra dance pads
2000 Points
Accessory pack (tennis racket, baseball bat, boxing gloves, golf club, steering wheel, gun, 2 x 1800 mah batteries (w/cords), grip, skins, protector)

Wow, listing it here makes it sound huge...anyway...She is home schooled and often has multiple friends come over when her work is done to play and hang out. We figured this would be a good safe haven to keep the kids out of trouble but I don't want her spending a ton of time alone on it.

What games listed play with how many people? (I'm told DDR:HP can play up to 4 people at one time - thus the extra dance pads.)

What games (listed and out there) are best with at least 2 and preferably up to 4 (I assume this is the max number wii can handle at one time?)
answer above

With more duplicate accessories, will more players play at the same time? So I should I have a set of 4 everything? (accessories, remotes, nunchuks, etc.)

4 wii motes + nunchucks are a must in your situation, as with dance mats, but accessories NO

What is the 2000 pts for?

downloading old games from consoles such as,
NES, SNES, N64, Sega megadrive, Turbografx, Neo Geo. in order to use this funtion you need internet access.

How many batteries can the Wii charge at one time?

none unless you rechxrgable batteries come with usb cables if so then 2 remotes can be plugged in,

What should I be asking and what can I expect when this thing is hooked up?
Am I missing anything?

mario party 8, 4 players good
warioware smmoth moves up to 12 players (shered remote) good multiplayer.

I'm clueless here and don't see the point of shelling out this kind of cash if we don't take advantage of all the Wii has to offer.

i would like to say i respect you for trying to make your daughters life as social as possible, and hope all goes well for you.

one question how old is she?
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  • #60
Awesome info!!! Thank you...ok so even though the rating blows Mario Party 8 is the best 4 player out there for wii?

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