I've gotten a wii - now what do I do with it :)

First of all, don't listen to any of these kids. You can spend your money however you want, they're just jealous.

Its kind of hard to explain the difference between Nintendo's games. Just think of it this way, Nintendo has two general genres. They have games for the 'casual' gamer [Thats you :wink:] and they have games for the 'hardcore' gamer [Thats most of us]. Casual games are generally not as good as hardcore games, but some of them can be. Hardcore games take MUCH more time to complete, in fact, Nintendo has been working on Mario Galaxy for over 10 years, the head of Nintendo has said. Casual gamers may find Hardcore games to be fairly difficult, but I am sure they will be enjoyable nonetheless.

You can find a quick rundown [as well as a rating out of 10] about any game by visiting www.ign.com and searching for the game's title. Good luck, and keep asking questions :wink:
Bigred said:
i think thats too much stuff and will overwhelm her. Whenever I get too many games I never get around to finishing any of them because I have another to play. I think you should give her 1 or 2 1-player games, and 1 or 2 multiplayer games and then wait until she gets bored or finishes them before giving her the rest.
i agree 500%
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kronau said:
no i dont thaink that are upgraded in any way i think its a wase of money exsept the legendary nintendo games like classsic the legend of zelda games that where made years before she was probly born she she would probly think thay are boring inless shes like 20

Closest she has ever come to gaming in the sense you mean is the DS with several Pokemon (her only request) we got her last year. I'm told the Pearl and Black Diamond games can be played with Wii somehow?

I have played a bit of DaOC, EQ2 and Vanguard. So, yes, I will probably find myself joining the kids - if there is ever room. Mostly though, the kids like their "nearly adult free" time.
LevesqueIsKing said:
First of all, don't listen to any of these kids. You can spend your money however you want, they're just jealous.

Its kind of hard to explain the difference between Nintendo's games. Just think of it this way, Nintendo has two general genres. They have games for the 'casual' gamer [Thats you :wink:] and they have games for the 'hardcore' gamer [Thats most of us]. Casual games are generally not as good as hardcore games, but some of them can be. Hardcore games take MUCH more time to complete, in fact, Nintendo has been working on Mario Galaxy for over 10 years, the head of Nintendo has said. Casual gamers may find Hardcore games to be fairly difficult, but I am sure they will be enjoyable nonetheless.

You can find a quick rundown [as well as a rating out of 10] about any game by visiting www.ign.com and searching for the game's title. Good luck, and keep asking questions :wink:
speek for yourself i have over 200 thound$ of gameing stuff and a 11grand gameing computer im as hard core gamer as it gets
laruli said:
Closest she has ever come to gaming in the sense you mean is the DS with several Pokemon (her only request) we got her last year. I'm told the Pearl and Black Diamond games can be played with Wii somehow?

I have played a bit of DaOC, EQ2 and Vanguard. So, yes, I will probably find myself joining the kids - if there is ever room. Mostly though, the kids like their "nearly adult free" time.
yes i heard you can connect your ds to the wii with wifi ir something and download your pokemon from your ds to the pokemon revalotion game but im not 100% shure abot that i haveint tryed yet
laruli said:
I have a Wii (sports package w/game/controller/nunchuk) under the tree for my daughter. It is joined by:

Super Paper Mario
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chron.
Mario Strikers Charged
Guitar Hero III
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Zelda Twilight Princess
DDR: Hottest Party (w/mat)
Link's Crossbow Training (w/zapper)

1 Classic Controller
1 extra remote
1 extra nunchuk
3 extra dance pads
2000 Points
Accessory pack (tennis racket, baseball bat, boxing gloves, golf club, steering wheel, gun, 2 x 1800 mah batteries (w/cords), grip, skins, protector)

Wow, listing it here makes it sound huge...anyway...She is home schooled and often has multiple friends come over when her work is done to play and hang out. We figured this would be a good safe haven to keep the kids out of trouble but I don't want her spending a ton of time alone on it.

What games listed play with how many people? (I'm told DDR:HP can play up to 4 people at one time - thus the extra dance pads.)

What games (listed and out there) are best with at least 2 and preferably up to 4 (I assume this is the max number wii can handle at one time?)

With more duplicate accessories, will more players play at the same time? So I should I have a set of 4 everything? (accessories, remotes, nunchuks, etc.)

What is the 2000 pts for?

How many batteries can the Wii charge at one time?

What should I be asking and what can I expect when this thing is hooked up?
Am I missing anything?

I'm clueless here and don't see the point of shelling out this kind of cash if we don't take advantage of all the Wii has to offer.
The wiisports package is unneccessary (tennis racket etc).

Other than that, thats one good list :yesnod:
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I never understood the point of "finishing" a video game - enjoy it until its dull, shelf it, enjoy it some more later - but thats just me.

Anyway, How do I tell how many players they can play? Frankly I'm a little disappointed that so many people are gasping at the money rather than answering the questions. Not that its anyone's business but we work out a budget at the beginning of the year and feed money into it all year specifically for Christmas. And at this point we aren't even close to hitting our cap. If you have kids then you know that spending $25 a week on little crap, fast food, etc... is easy to do - we don't do that.

Anyway back to the point: The multiplayer games do allow all players to play at the same time? Therefore, I need more accessories/remotes?

The batteries in this accessory pack come w/wires that I believe hook up to the wii - correct? So the wii is charging them? But how many can it charge at one time? Anyone know?
laruli said:
I never understood the point of "finishing" a video game - enjoy it until its dull, shelf it, enjoy it some more later - but thats just me.

Anyway, How do I tell how many players they can play? Frankly I'm a little disappointed that so many people are gasping at the money rather than answering the questions. Not that its anyone's business but we work out a budget at the beginning of the year and feed money into it all year specifically for Christmas. And at this point we aren't even close to hitting our cap. If you have kids then you know that spending $25 a week on little crap, fast food, etc... is easy to do - we don't do that.

Anyway back to the point: The multiplayer games do allow all players to play at the same time? Therefore, I need more accessories/remotes?

The batteries in this accessory pack come w/wires that I believe hook up to the wii - correct? So the wii is charging them? But how many can it charge at one time? Anyone know?
Not sure about the charging, but you need more controllers.

As you have money to spare on the budget, I suggest you get 3 more wiimotes and 3 more nunchucks so as to allow for 4 player games.
if or if there all readdy is a mario party comeing to wii that would be a ideal game for a group of 4 people to play its liek a bord game with mini games its super fun with lots of people
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FRuMMaGe said:
The wiisports package is unneccessary (tennis racket etc).

Other than that, thats one good list :yesnod:

hrm...unnecessary but fun or a joke that no one bothers to use?

If I'm understanding correctly, you swing the remote or whatever to simulate actions in game. Thus, remembering these are early age teenagers that will be playing, isn't she/aren't they going to get the most enjoyment out of everyone that is playing at the same time having a racket or whatever rather than just a remote in their hands? Which brings me back to my original question...do I need 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc... of each of those to bring maximum enjoyment of the game (and why would be nice :) )?
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FRuMMaGe said:
Not sure about the charging, but you need more controllers.

As you have money to spare on the budget, I suggest you get 3 more wiimotes and 3 more nunchucks so as to allow for 4 player games.

I have 2 total remotes and 2 total nunchuks so I need 2 more of each? 4 people really can play this at the same time? Not like 1 person plays then its the next person's turn - hand over the remote? (Yes I know I'm old when thats the only multi player video game I've ever played.)
yah the wiisports package is just a bunch of chunks of plastic and are just annoying my frined has them but we never use them and the max ammount of remotes you will ever need to have is 4 becuse thats the max ammount you can use on a wii inless one gets thrown across a room and breaks but nintendo suff are super hard to break
laruli said:
I have 2 total remotes and 2 total nunchuks so I need 2 more of each? 4 people really can play this at the same time? Not like 1 person plays then its the next person's turn - hand over the remote? (Yes I know I'm old when thats the only multi player video game I've ever played.)
Yes, 4 player simultaneous.

Also, the wiisports attachments are just gimmicky plastic used to try and cash in on the Wiis success.

The whole point of the Wii is so you don't HAVE to hold a tennis racket :lol:

EDIT: Also, you can play games online. Such as Mario Strikers Charged

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