is the wii becoming hardcore yes or no your opinion

As an old-school gamer, hardcore is niche games that are many times hard as hell. Or gamer's games. Games not made for sales or pitching to the broadest market. Okami, Geometry Wars, Ninja Gaiden, Murasama: The Demon Blade, Dragon Quest are all hardcore in my old-school opinion! Phantom Dust, Otogi, and Panzer Dragoon Orta on Xbox were definitely hardcore. But you never hear these kids champion those games. Why? Cause they never played them cause they were not meathead shooters. And Microsoft, well they don't support anything like that anymore.

Call of Duty, GTA, and Halo are not hardcore. They are mainstream games aimed at a lowest-common-demoninator broad market. I think Microsoft did a good job changing what the term used to mean. Cause now you hear every lil tyke with a 360 saying that!

I think the next game that actually looks like a hardcore gamer's game is Murasama: The Demon Blade. No it won't sell well, but it will likely be worshipped like Okami is by the discerning gamer.
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opinion? I think everyone would agree. When you went to the game store when ps2 was current gen, you would see good games as soon as you glance at the shelves.

I don't know what fantasyland you lived in but when PS2 was Sony's current system, good games were a small percentage of the total games. If you could see them by glancing at the shelves, then you have better eyesight than I do. All I could see were mounds and mounds and mounds of crap with the occasional good game in there somewhere. There were so many games made for the PS2 that the small percentage of good games was a large number overall but it's not like the PS2 section of the game shop was lined with gold. When the Wii has eleventy-million games available on the console, you'll see the same thing.
i didn't say that PS2 was pure good games. I dreaded the PS2 and didn't get one until years after it was released. There were tons of stupid games. That doesn't mean there weren't any good ones. I have over 20 good games for PS2 that i didn't have to search for at the game store. but then again it could be the game store you go to.
no need to try and insult. fantasy land... looks like your fantasy is to find petty excuses to snap at people.
i didn't say that PS2 was pure good games. I dreaded the PS2 and didn't get one until years after it was released. There were tons of stupid games. That doesn't mean there weren't any good ones. I have over 20 good games for PS2 that i didn't have to search for at the game store. but then again it could be the game store you go to.
no need to try and insult. fantasy land... looks like your fantasy is to find petty excuses to snap at people.

Didn't really mean to snap, just pointing out that like all popular systems the good PS2 games were few and far between. That's good that your game store wasn't just trying to shove the latest FPS knockoff down your throat but that's all I ever got from mine. I've always had to wade through mounds of gaming garbage to find anything worthwhile. I just don't think the PS2 was particularly special in that regards. The only console I can think of that dodged the shovelware onslaught was the Dreamcast but in addition to the lack of crap, it was also missing anything truly fantastic.
Sincere apologies for being so defensive. I DO agree with you about all the shovelware on the PS2(around the time that movie games got really trendy, wasn't it?) I just happened to have a good eye for good stuff when PS2 was out. But then again, People were making great games a bit more then than now i think. I guess the fact that i waited a long time before i even got a PS2 would explain a bit as well. the good games were already made.
I don't think Nintendo should even attempt to go for hardcore gamers. They have an excellent niche in the interactive gaming world. They should go forward with more virtual reality gaming ideas and let Sony and Microsoft compete for the hardcore title
i didn't say that PS2 was pure good games. I dreaded the PS2 and didn't get one until years after it was released. There were tons of stupid games. That doesn't mean there weren't any good ones.

That is exactly what you could say about the Wii too. Another thing to think about when praising the PS2's library is that a lot of the Wii's shovelware has been ported from that same PS2 library.

I think some of the problem with Wii games in stores is that they just don't care. The EBGames where I live doesn't properly display the top Wii titles, they are just thrown onto the shelves wherever there is a space and often shovelware titles are more noticeable. I put it down to the employees being 360 or PS3 fans, as the games for those consoles are always nicely laid out. If I go to Walmart though, the Wii games are displayed much better and the shovelware relegated to a seperate bin.
I put it down to the employees being 360 or PS3 fans, as the games for those consoles are always nicely laid out. If I go to Walmart though, the Wii games are displayed much better and the shovelware relegated to a seperate bin.
yep. Funny that i've bought my best wii games at the walmart.
I don't think Nintendo should even attempt to go for hardcore gamers. They have an excellent niche in the interactive gaming world. They should go forward with more virtual reality gaming ideas and let Sony and Microsoft compete for the hardcore title

if they could pull that off, it'd be categorized as hardcore anyway. No escaping the cliche :lol:

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