is the wii becoming hardcore yes or no your opinion

I think this whole "Hardcore" word is an utter BS. Hardcore games traditionally have been focused on being difficult. With games such as F-Zero GX, Castlevania, and Contra and Shinobi. Now we seem to be replacing the word "Hardcore" with what was formally known as "Mature" games which opposed to "kiddie" or "childish" games. Before the Hardcore redefining, we used the word "Traditional" games which was to distinguish itself from "Casual" games.

There is the end of my rant.
I tend to agree with Godwind... Oftentimes, from my perspective, 'hardcore' gamers are no more 'hardcore' than any other gamers. They just focus on M-rated games with violence and sex, etc, but focusing on that doesn't make them any more hardcore. Many of these so-called hardcore gamers only follow trends - going from FPS to FPS to yet another FPS, sometimes throwing in some other mass-marketed triple-A title. 'Hardcore' gaming, though, is represented by the gamers that thoroughly research their games, dedicate time to completing as much of the game as possible, and ultimately enjoy doing so. The Wii, while it has a lot of poorly designed crap titles with shiny covers, also has had a decent amount of 'hardcore' games already. Games like Mercury Meltdown, MLB Power Pros, even SMG - they're all hardcore in that they're well-designed, deep, and have a lot of gameplay life in the form of levels, unlockables, and achievements to attain. In comparison, a lot of so-called 'hardcore' titles don't even offer as much gameplay or additional content; all they do offer is violence/gore/graphics. The difference is that, with the current definition of 'hardcore', people tend to ignore a game's actual quality in favor of 'hardcore' graphics, 'hardcore' violence, 'hardcore' storyline and characters, and so on. In my opinion, games like Halo and Gears of War with their gritty, smooth, and violent gameplay are no more 'hardcore' than Super Mario Galaxy with its family-friendly concept and cartoony graphics, if played as such.
Yes, Wii is getting more "hardcore" content (a better word should be used), but it's unlikely that Wii is going to ever stray from being predominantly casual.
On a slightly different note, IGN has given Editor's Choice awards to four Wii exclusives so far this year, I think. That may not represent an increase in 'hardcore' games, but it does represent good games that serious gamers can appreciate, and I think this is at least on a similar pace with the other consoles..
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Yes, Wii is getting more "hardcore" content (a better word should be used), but it's unlikely that Wii is going to ever stray from being predominantly casual.

No the Wii is not getting hardcore but it is getting more decent content , but it's unlikely that Wii is going to ever stray from being predominantly casual.

Will that do?
Just because there are a lot of casual games on the system doesn't mean it can't be "hard core". There is a hell of a lot of trash available for the PC, yet I'd still consider that is a "hard core" gaming platform.

I don't really agree with the clan/communication definition either. I'm sure it's probably a lot of fun to shout "boom head shot" to your clan mates when you blow someone's head off from the oppositions team. I don't see how that's any more "hard core" then solving an incredibly difficult puzzle in Zack and Wiki though.

'09 looks to be shaping up for a great year for Wii owners. With all the solid third party efforts already released this year and many more to come. Not to mention the Wii Motion Plus sports gaming that can only be described as incredible according to IGN.
Hardcore is a game theme (like for example horror) with a lot of fans nowadays, and people tend to separate games between hardcore/serious gaming and non-hardcore/light gaming games.

I separate games in 2 groups (only quality games):

-Great/big games
-Casual/party/fun games

And if a game fits in there, i'll make the decision of acquiring it based on the category (sports, rpg, etc) i'm currently favoring.

The wii is in fact getting more hardcore titles wich is good, because it adds variety, but for me the most important thing is the quality of the game, and not if its light or serious.
wii is definitely becoming more hardcore especially with the recent release of madworld but also the upcoming release of PunchOut. If wii keeps pumpin out games like these then the wii can compete with the 360 and ps3 again.
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another hardcore game that i have heard is really good and i believe ign gave it a 8 out of 10 was tenchu 4 and that game looks really good and is very hardcore, any comments on that one.
another hardcore game that i have heard is really good and i believe ign gave it a 8 out of 10 was tenchu 4 and that game looks really good and is very hardcore, any comments on that one.

I love Tenchu: Shadow Assassins, it's a really great game. It is very 'hardcore' too, not because it's M rated but because it takes a lot of perseverance to beat the game with perfect scores (which is the main objective of the game). For some people that is a negative, but for me it sums up what a true 'hardcore' game is all about.

It certainly kept me busy until the king of hardcore Wii games arrived, that being the awesomeness that is Madworld.

i wouldn't have recently bought one if it didn't have games like houseof the dead,resident evil,dead rising,call of duty,no more heroes,madworls, ect........
There's this shifting definition with "hardcore" that seems to be geared around excluding games that look childish more than accurately representing a group of games. Will the Wii ever be "hardcore?" No, because the definition will shift to exclude the Wii as long as it continue to put any focus on games that can be played around the entire family. Because the dirty little secret is all the "hardcore" label really means is that someone is insecure about their own maturity and doesn't want to be associated with anything that makes them look less mature. It has very little to do with actual gameplay.
Yes, Yes, Yes. Finnaly the Wii comes hardcore!!
This year and the rest of life time we see more and more hardcore titles better and better!!
Again we need to support these games to the numbers increase!!
You know the xbox360's hardcore base is 6 millions instead they sold 25 millions consoles, exactly the number of Halo3 sales, no more. Now we are 50 millions of Wii owners and only the hardcore base is 1.5 million, we need to increase this to beat the xbox360's base in the future, I hope so!!
And finnaly we going to beat the famous xbox360's 8:1 tie ratio, now the Wii tie ratio is 5:1, I hope we do it!!
All 50 millions Wii owners aganist the 6 millions xbox360 hardcore users!!
If the PS2 was a hardcore system, then the Wii is a hardcore system.
Similarties between the two systems are:

Sales: Most system sold in their generation.
Exclusives: Most software exclusives in their generation.
Shovelware: Most shovelware software in their generation.

When it comes to the best games, it's just a matter of preference/opinion.

opinion? I think everyone would agree. When you went to the game store when ps2 was current gen, you would see good games as soon as you glance at the shelves.

Do this now for the wii, and you see tons of crap. I think there will be some great games for the wii in its lifetime that change videogames forever, but its first few years will be/are inexcusable, and i doubt that they'll be able to pardon their failure to the traditional videogaming market.

The casual gaming market won't be so bad if they can manage to regulate all of the crap casual games and filter them so the fun casual games get the attention they deserve.
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