WII winner and champion of systems wars! Now you opinion


Nov 25, 2007
Hey whats up guys its brigipson again just doing a little posting, umm i have been playing alot of the conduit and also tales of symphonia for wii which in my opinion are both really good games, conduit for it online play and tales having a pretty decent storyline so far as rpg's go. I was just doing a little web surfing today and i went to www.ign.com and i saw and read that the wii peaking out again through hardware sales and also gaming sales i believe it was wii resort sports and a couple other games that also did peak out. Now me personally recently i have been playing alot of my wii and i am seeing a even brighter future for wii with more games pushing towards hardcore gamers, Wow nintendo has really made a comeback so what do you think will happen next, will they keep pushing forward and give what we gamers want or will they fall through and throw in the towel, or how about this, What if nintendo takes being the number one gameing system for the this gen system wars to heart and iwada (i think i spelled that right) says **** it! we showed playstation and microsoft whats up, We are done with gaming and takes their chips and cashes them in, Or what if nintendo didnt making a next gen system and just let playstation and xbox duke it out. well i dont know like i said it your opinion. post back
I like my Wii, but its just not as good to play as my 360. The Wii's library is too small, too many of the games are directed towards casual gamers. xbox has a ton of good games to choose from, I am not saying the Wii has not games(just not very many).
only one making good games for wii is nintendo and it's affiiliates. everything else sucks. and that makes the wii suck.
I also like the Wii. I have had it for like half a year and I like it bunches. Not all the games of course but it has great ones for shure.

I don't think Nintendo will be stopping now. As you said, it has shown that it can be leader in sales and I don't think there could be a reason not to keep that going. What is shure is that Nintendo will have to work hard to keep people buying their systems instead of Sony's and Microsoft's, as this ones are trying to get close to what the Wii had exclusively: the motion controllers... and they are getting it.

I remember reading that someone in Nintendo (don't remember if it was Iwada as you said) mentioned that they might go HD until the next console, but not with the Wii, so that would mean that they are willing to keep it up and come up with new consoles in the future.
only one making good games for wii is nintendo and it's affiiliates. everything else sucks. and that makes the wii suck.

That isn't true. Third party games were poor to start off with but there are a lot of decent titles available now. In fact the highest rated games for the Wii this year have all been 3rd party.
That isn't true. Third party games were poor to start off with but there are a lot of decent titles available now. In fact the highest rated games for the Wii this year have all been 3rd party.

well then i'm missing something. Hudson Capcom and the guys that make CoD and Bandai. i guess....yeah there are a lot. I guess what i should've said is that you have to weed through all of the garbage to find a decent game. And that's expensive.
well then i'm missing something. Hudson Capcom and the guys that make CoD and Bandai. i guess....yeah there are a lot. I guess what i should've said is that you have to weed through all of the garbage to find a decent game. And that's expensive.

Publishers like Sega, EA (recently shifted over 60% of their resources to Wii development), Activision (world's biggest game publisher, responsible for COD, GH etc), Ubisoft, Mavelous and XSeed are putting out decent games for the Wii. Capcom has been a bit hit n' miss of late .

The stand out 3rd party games so far this year are Madworld, Tiger Woods 10 and Little King's Story. There have also been a lot of decent titles released such as Rune Factory, HOTD: Overkill, The Conduit, Tenchu, Deadly Creatures, Grand Slam Tennis etc. They might not be to everyones tastes but some people will enjoy them. There are actually more decent Wii games coming out this year than there are 360/PS3 ones so the majority of my purchases will be on the Wii (at least over the summer, although there are a few older 360 games I'll pick up too).

I can see that weeding through the garbage could be difficult, especially for the more 'casual' crowd who are unlikely to follow review sites. For the 'core' owners it shouldn't be that hard to find the kind of games that they like and are of reasonable quality though. I always seem to pick up games that I enjoy, but I usually do a fair bit of research before handing over my cash. The weakest titles that I've bought are usually TV show licenses, which I'd expect to be weak but bought purely because someone in the family wanted them.

I have plenty of titles to buy for the remainder of the year (note that only 3 out of 12 are by Nintendo). Starting with Wii Sports Resort, then Little King's Story, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Muramasa The Demon Blade, Republic Heroes, Silent Hill, PES2010, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers, Arc Rise Fanstasia, Red Steel 2 and SMB Wii. Those are just the titles that I'm pretty certain I'll enjoy but there are a fair few potentials too like Dead Space, Sky Crawlers, Shaun White, Cursed Mountain, Rabbids Go Home etc.

Anyway to answer part of the OP, there is no way that Nintendo wont continue producing consoles and software because unlike Sony or Microsoft they don't have any other lines of business to fall back on.
As of now, I don't see the lack of "good" games or "hardcore" games as problem for me personally, seeing that I do not currently own a wii and have ZERO games.

But in the next few days, Im picking up a new wii, and I have a very long list of games that I am interested in...Some more than others, but all of the games on the list I would defiently buy, and there is a ALOT of them on there
As of now, I don't see the lack of "good" games or "hardcore" games as problem for me personally, seeing that I do not currently own a wii and have ZERO games.

But in the next few days, Im picking up a new wii, and I have a very long list of games that I am interested in...Some more than others, but all of the games on the list I would defiently buy, and there is a ALOT of them on there

Get off er chat! >.< this is "Wiichat" for people with "Wiis". Jk :D welcome to the site!
Haha No worries I'll be a proud wii owner in the next couple of days
The Wii is a good system that has SOME good games for everyone but it is lacking in many departments such as HD graphics, processing power, and online features. If you have an HDTV, you can probably afford an HD system for games like GTA4, Call of Duty 4 5 6, Motorstorm, Mirror's Edge, etc. Those games are now around $15-$20 each. The graphics is great and the gameplay is also enhanced. I do like the Wii because of the motion controls but for serious gaming, I always end up playing the PS3. The best thing to do is to have both.

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