Potential Gaming War Crisis


Jan 1, 2007
So, this isnt really about the Wii specifically, but its about the gaming wars, so I posted it here.

I think we can all say that Microsoft introducing the 360 a year early did wonders for their gaming system. But what I have begun to think about is, since the 360 was out a year early, that potentially means that they got started on their next system a year early. And what will happen if they produce that system at the same rate they did the 360? Yes, the next Microsoft system would be out 2 years early.

Now, try to think of this in the long run. If any one of these companies (not necassarily Microsoft) could do this over a long period of time (lets say...7 years?) than they could actually have a higher generation console going against two lower generation ones. Can you imagine what the gaming wars would turn into? Their would hardly be any competition. Think about the last two generations. What would have happened if the Xbox 360 (with Halo 3 and all) went up against the Gamecube and PS2? The only people to buy the other two consoles would be the die-hard fanboys.

Do you guys think this is possible? Has Microsoft already thought of this plan? Personally, I think the first company to accomplish this will end the gaming wars. With such superior consoles, they would eventually gain enough profit to either buy out the other companies, or just diminish the other companies profits until eventually they had nothing left.

yea but with new console needs new technology and it is state of the art right nnow so they wud have to develop some pretty brilliant stuff
I don't think they can justify a new system unless developers start pushing the graphics to the limits and have no more room to grow.
The wii however has the perfect excuse to introduce a new system earlier then the others. I bet Nintendo will not wait the full 4-5 years to have another next gen console. I personally think this wii is more of a prototype of something huge to come.
yes the wii could easily upgrade but the ps3 and xbox 360 are told to be future proof so that would mean no need anyway for a new console
Just because a console is released before the other ones doesn't mean it will be popular... remember Dreamcast?
It'd probably be a bad market move in the long run. You'd be producing consoles faster than the demand really...well...demands it. They'd be overproducing consoles at one point, releasing new systems before people are even ready to buy a new one.

You may (and i stress may) gain an upperhand in the gaming industry, but to what ends? Constant costs for new researches to be done, new parts to be manufactured, new factories to be converted to assemble your everchanging product line, etc. You'd lose more money on a console than companies already do. The only way to be more efficient with the money is to provide mere step by step upgrades to an already existing console, much like the way one upgrades their PC, but even that could be risky (as "upgrades" hardly has as much appeal that an all out newer version has).

The smartest idea is to just do what they're currently doing: Leave the sync of all competitor's releases, but develop at the same rate.

Now, try to think of this in the long run. If any one of these companies (not necassarily Microsoft) could do this over a long period of time (lets say...7 years?) than they could actually have a higher generation console going against two lower generation ones.

That doesn't make sense. Just because they develop consoles faster (if they truly keep up with the speed), it only means that the technology leaps between consoles are in smaller steps, but in the end developing at the same rate as anyone else. Console hardware development is more of an implementation of existing PC technology and power for a more common consumer, but it doesn't create new technolgy. Meaning just because you release consoles faster than everyone else, it doesn't necessarily mean your tech is higher than everyone else's
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First thing to remember about gaming... its an industry that is there to make money. Nothing else. Sorry guys yea maybe there are some Dr. Frankensteins out there making new systems in their workshops hoping to someday bring a revolution. But thats pree shotty. Most of any devlopers are owned by large corporations who are only there to get the Green leafs out of your pockets and those credit cards swiping till they melt. Its not about the system n new tech its about money.

That said, shure maybe there is a team at sony/microsoft/nintendo geniuses making new consoles already but that is only for the purpose of making money. Anything in these futuristic labs is under lock and key and won't ever be released until they know this new product they made will make a killing in the market. The market is still just adjusting to the new consoles... the average consumer is not prepared to see or think about buying any other consoles.

And my third point (ill be quick i know its long) is like others have said. These next gen consoles already have the top tech in them. Here in the USA a ton of people still have yet to jump to HD so why would more high tech consoles come out when most average joes don't even have proper TVs to run the consoles?

I think yall get where i'm coming from... shure yea releasing a new console in two years sounds cool... but most consumers would get pissed. I buy a new wiimote for my wii then a few months later wii2 or "wii squared" comes out and i gotta buy all new accessories and a new console. I dont have money for that....

there is no rush for new consoles... the next gen is already here... itll be a few years 4-5 before another one gets its pics leaked onto the net
vi3tmix said:
That doesn't make sense. Just because they develop consoles faster (if they truly keep up with the speed), it only means that the technology leaps between consoles are in smaller steps, but in the end developing at the same rate as anyone else. Console hardware development is more of an implementation of existing PC technology and power for a more common consumer, but it doesn't create new technolgy. Meaning just because you release consoles faster than everyone else, it doesn't necessarily mean your tech is higher than everyone else's

Yes I strongly agree. It just doesn't make sense.

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