Is it me, or is the Wii a Pre-Teen Machine

Ozweego said:
All I can say is that I am very glad I have a PS3, at least that way I will be involved in some Next Generation Gaming going on in 07, not just mere low graphic motion controlled mayhem.

I know allot of you will read this as an attack on the Wii, and that is not what I am trying to do. I just think Nintendo could have taking this great little machine and made it 100 times better. Just by going with better graphics would have probably made it 50 times better.

Well, I just had to get this off my chest and see if anyone else out there is feeling the same way as me.
100 times better?50? :tard::crazy::wtf:

Someone who likes the PS3 doesn't have the right to bash other consoles :rolleyes:
Ozweego said:
So I lined up overnight and got a PS3, not even thinking about a Wii at the time. After a couple of days, the Wii hype kept getting bigger and bigger, which intrigued my interest immensely. So I did what anyone would do, I started my Wii Hunt.
After a couple of weeks I scored one at a Gamespot/EB Games. I immediately rented COD3, Red Steel, and Trauma Center 2 and of course have the sports games included. I have to admit, the movement and controller were quite addicting and fun. My girlfriend who mostly hates the idea of videogames is playing Tennis as I type this.
Then I started reading these forums a little closer, such as the games. Rayman, Sonic, etc. Aren't these games normally played by 6 and 7 year olds? Then I realized how juvenile the shooters I had were. COD3 is so bad graphically; you can't see the damage you’re inflicting. Red Steel shows slash marks in the sword fights that immediately disappears, what’s up with that.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Wii, but simply for the Sports or non-violent, non-realistic games.
If you were to take the Motion sensor remote away, I think all you would have is a nicer looking Gamecube, which from what I remembered is a terrible system.
All I can say is that I am very glad I have a PS3, at least that way I will be involved in some Next Generation Gaming going on in 07, not just mere low graphic motion controlled mayhem.

I know allot of you will read this as an attack on the Wii, and that is not what I am trying to do. I just think Nintendo could have taking this great little machine and made it 100 times better. Just by going with better graphics would have probably made it 50 times better.

Well, I just had to get this off my chest and see if anyone else out there is feeling the same way as me.


It's just you. Seriously. I'll take original thought for $100, Alex.
Well, I'm a 30 year old guy. I have a PS2, a 360, and a Wii. I also have lots of older consoles right of the Coleco and Intellevision (real-time gamer :cornut: )

Why am I skipping the PS3? Mostly because it's too much of the same thing (with better graphics) and 'cause the price is too steep for what the console can do.

The Wii has that something that got me glued to my Atary playing asteroids until I could reset the score back to 000000. Were the graphics awesome? NO WAY! Were the controls top of the line with buttons that required either great coordination or 8 fingers in each hand? NO (It only had a button and a stick). Then why did I spend all that time playing? Because it was fun and because no one had made a game like asteroids before.

I used to play Final Fantasy for hours and hours. I purchased Final Fantasy XII a week ago for the PS2. I played for 15 minutes (10 of those were the intro animation), the rest I simply put it down because it was the same as the previous 11 games.

I also played all the Zelda games I can think of (including that dreadful CD-I game), but I can still play Twilight Princess in 4 or 5 hour sessions because the gameplay has been spiced up and once again its FUN to play. Even my wife (whom is a big time game-hater) has piled over 15 hours in TP.

In order to finish this rant I can only say that even though the Wii is not the sharper knife in the drawer (power-wise) its still the funniest console to play with.

Thank you very much... end of rant :eek:ut:
Silent-Sniper said:
Exactly, grahpics means nothing.

I was playing Sonic before and you can just see how fun it is compared to the crappy 3D versions thats are out now.
yes iam not the only one saying sega cant make them like they use to,last good sonic game i played was sonic adventure on dreamcast,ever since the new president is there,they suck!
who is the retard that said online gaming is the #1 reason people play?! yeah, that is called an OPINION. I am an RPG fan more than anything and I like to play BY MYSELF. Multiplayer online is tight, but if you told me to choose between a new zelda game and supe smash, I would lock myself away and play zelda and not let ANYONE play the wii with me. :D
I just have to laugh at everyone screaming "the wii is better cuz of gameplay!! no the ps3 is better cuz of the graphics!!"

who the f*ck cares what you think. Everyone has different preferences. Some love the mario series, some love the halo series, some love the metal gear solid series.

Can you all just shut the F*CK up about which system is better, cuz it's getting really really annoying.
Yuu said:
I just have to laugh at everyone screaming "the wii is better cuz of gameplay!! no the ps3 is better cuz of the graphics!!"

who the f*ck cares what you think. Everyone has different preferences. Some love the mario series, some love the halo series, some love the metal gear solid series.

Can you all just shut the F*CK up about which system is better, cuz it's getting really really annoying.

agreed. people ***** and moan about it just to complain...:eek:ut:
Yuu said:
I just have to laugh at everyone screaming "the wii is better cuz of gameplay!! no the ps3 is better cuz of the graphics!!"

who the f*ck cares what you think. Everyone has different preferences. Some love the mario series, some love the halo series, some love the metal gear solid series.

Can you all just shut the F*CK up about which system is better, cuz it's getting really really annoying.

I thought arguing was the sole purpose of a forum?
Ozweego said:
Aren't these games normally played by 6 and 7 year olds? Then I realized how juvenile the shooters I had were. COD3 is so bad graphically; you can't see the damage you’re inflicting. Red Steel shows slash marks in the sword fights that immediately disappears, what’s up with that.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Wii, but simply for the Sports or non-violent, non-realistic games.

oh noes, are you scared that your friends might come over and see you playing that a game that, *gasp* doesn't have blood in it?!



give me a break, fun is fun.
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Swiftay said:
oh noes, are you scared that your friends might come over and see you playing that a game that, *gasp* doesn't have blood in it?!



give me a break, fun is fun.

WOW, thats all you read in that post. You really do not understand what it was that I was saying, I was just preposing a legitiment argument to discuss openly on a Forum. Oh well, they are teaching computers in the 1st grade now, so I shouldn't get upset when a 6 year old posts a reply.

Anyhow, I like where this thread is going. From what I gather, the Wii is a suberb system for games like Sonic and Rayman, and people who like to only play with themselves. Thats fine with me, and if and when the Multiplayer option starts, it will improve the Wii's already high appeal. But until then, it really is, just a Novelty.

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