Is it me, or is the Wii a Pre-Teen Machine

ummmm is nintendo even gonna make a M-rated game or are they gonna let all the third part developers make them?
i cant agree more about the graphics. but i can also say that graphics don't make the game.

considering that we're into graphics.. mixed in with the motion sensors, the wii could have been better. i didn't buy one for graphics though, i bought it for new type of game play. and the graphics aren't insanley bad, but i wish it was par to ps3/xbox 360's graphics. then ofcouse, the price would of increased due to the hardware needed for it, but meh, i'm happy with my wii among the millions of other people too.

all 3 consoles are excellent, all have their special features. Im sure the ps3 is excellent, but it didn't really get my attention. good graphics, sure, tilt controller... meh (stolen from Nintendo anyway) but atleast the Wii has gone past the way we normally play games.
i would'nt mind a ps3 but i did'nt want to be sitting in a dark room for 24h straight "pooning" people overseas online. i wanted to be "invloved" in the game and play with my friends having a good time laughing at how stupid we looked. so i bought a wii, my brother will eventually get a ps3 or a 360 but i've made up my mind and i'm sticking with it
Ozweego said:
So I lined up overnight and got a PS3, not even thinking about a Wii at the time. After a couple of days, the Wii hype kept getting bigger and bigger, which intrigued my interest immensely. So I did what anyone would do, I started my Wii Hunt.
After a couple of weeks I scored one at a Gamespot/EB Games. I immediately rented COD3, Red Steel, and Trauma Center 2 and of course have the sports games included. I have to admit, the movement and controller were quite addicting and fun. My girlfriend who mostly hates the idea of videogames is playing Tennis as I type this.
Then I started reading these forums a little closer, such as the games. Rayman, Sonic, etc. Aren't these games normally played by 6 and 7 year olds? Then I realized how juvenile the shooters I had were. COD3 is so bad graphically; you can't see the damage you’re inflicting. Red Steel shows slash marks in the sword fights that immediately disappears, what’s up with that.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Wii, but simply for the Sports or non-violent, non-realistic games.
If you were to take the Motion sensor remote away, I think all you would have is a nicer looking Gamecube, which from what I remembered is a terrible system.
All I can say is that I am very glad I have a PS3, at least that way I will be involved in some Next Generation Gaming going on in 07, not just mere low graphic motion controlled mayhem.

I know allot of you will read this as an attack on the Wii, and that is not what I am trying to do. I just think Nintendo could have taking this great little machine and made it 100 times better. Just by going with better graphics would have probably made it 50 times better.

Well, I just had to get this off my chest and see if anyone else out there is feeling the same way as me.

You're an idiot. A dumb stupid PS gamer who thinks graphics are everything. Wii only a Gamecube with motion control? Then PS3's only a PS2 with better graphics, which are both crap systems anyway. I'm glad I'll have a Wii (which I'll have later today) because I'll be able to play the best games such as Mario, Metroid, Zelda and Pokemon rather than crappy PS3 ones with nothing good but 'uber' graphics. Oh and the Gamecube is not a terrible system OK?
billm0066 said:
You probably dont even know how to work a computer. The days of pong are gone. ps3 controlds are not hard to work. They require a little practice, but its not hard.

I've been in IT for 20 years, have RHCE and CISSP certifications, and know a hell of a lot more about computers than you, smartass.

Oh, I went and looked at your posting history, BTW. Why the f*ck are you here flameboy?
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Jono said:
i would'nt mind a ps3 but i did'nt want to be sitting in a dark room for 24h straight "pooning" people overseas online. i wanted to be "invloved" in the game and play with my friends having a good time laughing at how stupid we looked. so i bought a wii, my brother will eventually get a ps3 or a 360 but i've made up my mind and i'm sticking with it

i love doing that....on the pc. Console online competitve gaming is ****, end of. Will never come close to the PC scene. I love both competitive and casual gaming, thats why i have a top PC rig and a wii....
25 years old, no PS3 or XBOX for me, can't play super smash bros., mario kart, zelda, mario on PS3 or XBOX

and since those are by far the greatest games to play...the choice is simple for me
ddslee said:
Dude, you have all these great games to look forward to!

Mario Strikers for Wii
Mario Baseball for Wii
Mario Basketball 3 on 3 for Wii
Mariokart for Wii
Paper Mario for Wii
Mario and Luigi for Wii
Super Mario Galaxy for Wii

The list goes on and on!

Since when was MarioKart coming to the wii. Do you have proof?
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athenstiger said:
is any proof necessary?

I have searched the internet for any hint to a new mario kart and found nothing. I just want to know where he got this information.
theres been one on almost all the nintendo systems so far
BTW according to most hardware review sites. Wii is capable of better slightly better graphics than PS2 or XBOX1. The current set of game out, especially the shooters games unfortunately aren't using the graphics well. This is most likely due to them using GameCube hardware for development. Give it some time. While the Wii defiantly isn't a graphical powerhouse, you can expect games on par with XBOX.
You are talking like graphics is everything.

You sir are a moron.

Graphics is nothing, the sooner you realize the better. Next generation IS the Wii, not better graphics.
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Ok, so I read all the posts and responses those far, and some have a great point while others just veer off into Wii Supremacy mumble jumble.

Sure, I agree graphics can’t be everything, but they have to account for something. Every year, there are more and more advancements in Graphic accelerators and processing speeds. Nintendo just decided to avoid these advances. The price increase would have been marginal, maybe another $50 to do these upgrades.
And I am not saying you need to splatter blood and guts on the floor to impress, but when you play games around that genre, why the hell not, that’s why you play in the first place.
Also, like I mentioned before, the Wii does appear to be only a Gamecube with a Wireless remote and motion capture abilities, oh yeah, and a 512mb memory, which costs about $14.
I started this thread understanding that most people out there will respond without thinking, defending their Wii to the grave, cursing me for typing such blasphemy. But I just want to state the obvious. Nintendo reps may look in occasionally to see what they can do to improve, and believe me there is room for it.
Also, while I am in the mood. What the hell was Nintendo thinking not enabling Multiplayer for this thing? We live in a World where someone half way around the world can be connected to us in a millisecond. This was a huge mistake on Nintendo's part, online gaming and competing is the number 1 reason why most players play. They better correct this, or there will be allot of Nex-Gen gamers out there hurling their Wii's into the Ocean in order to bring them closer to playing overseas.

There you go another response. Don’t take it personally, just respond rationally.

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