I feel "Wii" were jipped!


WiiChat Member
Dec 15, 2006
So I lined up overnight and got a PS3, not even thinking about a Wii at the time. After a couple of days, the Wii hype kept getting bigger and bigger, which intrigued my interest immensely. So I did what anyone would do, I started my Wii Hunt.
After a couple of weeks I scored one at a Gamespot/EB Games. I immediately rented COD3, Red Steel, and Trauma Center 2 and of course have the sports games included. I have to admit, the movement and controller were quite addicting and fun. My girlfriend who mostly hates the idea of videogames is playing Tennis as I type this.
Then I started reading these forums a little closer, such as the games. Rayman, Sonic, etc. Aren't these games normally played by 6 and 7 year olds? Then I realized how juvenile the shooters I had were. COD3 is so bad graphically; you can't see the damage you’re inflicting. Red Steel shows slash marks in the sword fights that immediately disappears, what’s up with that.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Wii, but simply for the Sports or non-violent, non-realistic games.
If you were to take the Motion sensor remote away, I think all you would have is a nicer looking Gamecube, which from what I remembered is a terrible system.
All I can say is that I am very glad I have a PS3, at least that way I will be involved in some Next Generation Gaming going on in 07, not just mere low graphic motion controlled mayhem.

I know allot of you will read this as an attack on the Wii, and that is not what I am trying to do. I just think Nintendo could have taking this great little machine and made it 100 times better. Just by going with better graphics would have probably made it 50 times better.

Well, I just had to get this off my chest and see if anyone else out there is feeling the same way as me.

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sorry about the double post, i thought it errored.
Uhm..well think about this. Play Zelda for a couple of hours, it has decent-good graphics. This game was also put on the gamecube withthe same graphics. The wii has twice as much "horsepower". So far, noone has tested its limits. In the future, we will get better graphiced games (metroid prime anyone).
Zelda has bad graphics for Wii, but good graphics for Gamecube. I have the Wii Zelda and can confirm, minus some shadow differences, the graphics are identical to that of the Zelda for Gamecube.

The Wii has some great graphics capabilities for 480p. They haven't been touched yet. They will be touched by Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl. Graphics will improve.

Of course, the graphics will never parallel Xbox 360 or PS3, but they will be good for 480p.

Games are still first generation.

And, the Gamecube was NOT a terrible system. Quite the contrary, actually.
It does seem like nintendo does release a lot of "children" games... but everyone else does too. It's just we notice it with nintendo more often since they do publish their own games. They have NFS carbon? PS2 has disney and Snoopy games out? I think it's just that other hardware companies release soo many games that we don't recognize or see what is being released.
Your gonna get banned. anybody who talks bad about the wii gets banned for some reason. I feel the same way. I bought it because of the hype, and dont even play it anymore. If my g/f didnt get it for me for my b-day, that would be sold on ebay in a heartbeat. Zelda is kinda fun, but its hard to start playing when I have a ps3 sitting here. Most of the games are for children. The adult games are terrible. Red steel is god awful. cod graphics were poor. Need for speed was even worse. Zelda is the only fun one.
you don't get banned for talkin' bad bout the wii... If you have a valid case and can show evidence then you've got something there... just a lot of people who do spam and whine.

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