Is it me, or is the Wii a Pre-Teen Machine

Ozweego said:
WOW, thats all you read in that post. You really do not understand what it was that I was saying, I was just preposing a legitiment argument to discuss openly on a Forum. Oh well, they are teaching computers in the 1st grade now, so I shouldn't get upset when a 6 year old posts a reply.

Anyhow, I like where this thread is going. From what I gather, the Wii is a suberb system for games like Sonic and Rayman, and people who like to only play with themselves. Thats fine with me, and if and when the Multiplayer option starts, it will improve the Wii's already high appeal. But until then, it really is, just a Novelty.

what console systems are not novelties?

you can't make a living by playing one, or cook dinner with one

they can not be used for shelter, etc.

they are all novelties
*sigh* well atleast the guy who posted this isnt an asshole. Hmmmmm i do feel the same way sometimes, but games dont have to have amazing graphics to be a good game, Zelda twilight princess, awsome game, not bad graphics pretty good as far as zelda goes, AMAZING GAMEPLAY.

PS3, i just dont like sony and the way there are portrayed.
Ozweego said:
WOW, thats all you read in that post. You really do not understand what it was that I was saying, I was just preposing a legitiment argument to discuss openly on a Forum. Oh well, they are teaching computers in the 1st grade now, so I shouldn't get upset when a 6 year old posts a reply.

Anyhow, I like where this thread is going. From what I gather, the Wii is a suberb system for games like Sonic and Rayman, and people who like to only play with themselves. Thats fine with me, and if and when the Multiplayer option starts, it will improve the Wii's already high appeal. But until then, it really is, just a Novelty.

no, that wasn't all that i read, but i felt those few sentences really captured with feeling that you were attempting to portray. If you re-read what you posted, your main argument is that the Wii was juvenile...and the thread title is "Is it me, or is the Wii a Pre-Teen Machine". If somehow this is totally off base, please correct me. By the way, good joke about me being 6 years old.
Quite original, really.

Anyway, clearly you are not swayed by our argument because it seems that we here at the Wiichat forum are too incompetent to answer you (judging by how some of us are 6 year olds.), so why don't you just sell it? I personally don't know what else to tell you. The Wii is fun, play it. If the whole juvenile factor is inhibiting your playing experience, don't play it.
Ozweego said:
Ok, so I read all the posts and responses those far, and some have a great point while others just veer off into Wii Supremacy mumble jumble.

Sure, I agree graphics can’t be everything, but they have to account for something. Every year, there are more and more advancements in Graphic accelerators and processing speeds. Nintendo just decided to avoid these advances. The price increase would have been marginal, maybe another $50 to do these upgrades.
And I am not saying you need to splatter blood and guts on the floor to impress, but when you play games around that genre, why the hell not, that’s why you play in the first place.
Also, like I mentioned before, the Wii does appear to be only a Gamecube with a Wireless remote and motion capture abilities, oh yeah, and a 512mb memory, which costs about $14.
I started this thread understanding that most people out there will respond without thinking, defending their Wii to the grave, cursing me for typing such blasphemy. But I just want to state the obvious. Nintendo reps may look in occasionally to see what they can do to improve, and believe me there is room for it.
Also, while I am in the mood. What the hell was Nintendo thinking not enabling Multiplayer for this thing? We live in a World where someone half way around the world can be connected to us in a millisecond. This was a huge mistake on Nintendo's part, online gaming and competing is the number 1 reason why most players play. They better correct this, or there will be allot of Nex-Gen gamers out there hurling their Wii's into the Ocean in order to bring them closer to playing overseas.

There you go another response. Don’t take it personally, just respond rationally.
1. Nintendo isn't as large as it's competitors they can barely do any of their own hardware research, and development. Wich means that the price is probably much higher compared with performance. Not to mention that they can't afford to lose nearly as much as MS or Sony.

BTW: You want to talk console value.
360 graphics>PS3 graphics
360 price>>>>>>>>>>>>PS3 price :devil:

2. What was nintendo thinking not enabling multiplayer?

You win the :tard: awards *clap*. Do you know what would happen if they enabled it at launch? Lag! Massive lag! Worse than playing Dark Messiah: Might and Magic muliplayer on high settings with a dial-up connection. Why?

Because it isn't finished yet (or they don't have enough server capacity for the ammount of users that own the console), and Pokemon is the only Wii game that is currently supports online play.
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