Ironic WiiChat Deaths

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LinksDarkSide said:
I don't know what's happening... I guess I'll die of a painful death of people torturing me by reversing Ayumi songs...

I'll beat you with her "Born to be..." single.
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kiraownsurmom said:
why did the Emma cross the road?
to get hit by Adam not lookin where hes going while driving to her house
"is this map upside down?"
He is American, so he was driving on the right-hand side of the road :lol:
One, I cannot drive over there.
Two, I drive on the RIGHT side of the road.
Three, Emma: Being yayayayagagagagadadadadawowowowo'd to death.
kiraownsurmom said:
you suffocate in the box

Bwahaha... Uhm...

*tries to poke holes*
*knife breaks*

^Watches Too Much Death Note And Dies In His Chair.
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