Ironic WiiChat Deaths

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  • #76
wario2ooo said:
Frummage - dies from a meteor storm that waluigi started
You are getting it wrong. Here is the correct statement:
wario2ooo said:
Every besides the members of the Waluigi Fan Club dies from a meteor storm that waluigi started
The Waluigi Fan Club will be saved from the Rapture. :yesnod:
no...this is what really happened

every member of the waluigi fan club died from that Meteors.....everyone seems to survive except them
Oh my god, its a humorous thread. I don't usually go for stand-up, but whatever.

Brawny - killed by a one-day-only reformation of the [real] nazi's.
Emma - Was kneed in the pudding a bit too hard.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm out of ideas...
LiK pops a vein while lifting.
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  • #80
Levesque - Body implodes from it's own muscle mass. :lol:
Leve - died while getting speared by Batista......which leve wanted him to do but went horrible wrong
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  • #83
FRuMMaGe - Waluigi takes over the world with my help, but then the 200 mile high statue falls on me.
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  • #86
wario2ooo said:
Wario2ooo - sets self on fire and couldn't find the bucket of water and dies
How is that ironic?
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