Ironic WiiChat Deaths

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Emma gets hit by a truck while crossing the road.
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  • #94
Cpt.McCloud said:
Emma gets hit by a truck while crossing the road.
With Paris the Frog in the driving seat.

(Yes I remembered it)
Frogger said:
At least you brought my pudding back to life.
No head-to-desk action? No beat-red face or messed up hair?


double gasp.
Frogger said:
Oh, well thought out.

Surprised no one realized your name was based on a suicidal frog and took advantage.
Now if someone said if ADAM was in the driver's seat...then it'd be more ironic.

You know Ayumi can't drive. XD
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  • #99
Brawny said:
Now if someone said if ADAM was in the driver's seat...then it'd be more ironic.

You know Ayumi can't drive. XD
Ok then.

Adam was driving to the airport to see Emma for the first time, deeply engrossed in a dictionary. He was so captivated by the correct spelling that he barely noticed the "thud" as something went under the wheel. He kept driving...
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  • #104
Brawny said:
Why would she ever need to? =P

Edit: One problem, I'm coming there =P
That's why you managing to run her over would be even more impressive :lol:
I don't know what's happening... I guess I'll die of a painful death of people torturing me by reversing Ayumi songs...
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