Ironic WiiChat Deaths

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WiiWouldLike2Play: dies from inhaling toxic pollutants in the air, or is cooked by global warming

kiraownsurmom: gets killed by a MAHR mom

Samus101: gets shot by Dog the Bounty Hunter

arav989: avvy is picture from the future, is picture of himself on swingset

adam: stranded on desert island, starves befor he can proofread his own S.O.S.

EDIT: linksdarkside: dies in the Rapture.
cantgetawii: never gets a wii. :(

EDIT #2: Wario2000: chokes on sandwich
Leve: chokes on barbell (couldn't find a spotter.)
[DT]: gets eaten by shark
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mushroomedmario said:
lik-death in a wrestling match
shoko-death by playing brawl too much and not eating/sleeping/going to the washroom
Prez-dies from jigsaw killer
Nfanboy-Iwata kills him
Heh, so true......When I read Prez's it made me spit all of my water out.....I hate you for that.

Brawny- by emma diing.
SSBB_Lover- If ssbb sux (though it won't)
LevesqueIsKing- If all of his hard-earned muscle just deflated
MushroomedMario- by....mushrooms never being used by mario? I dunno
wario2ooo- by wario getting kicked out of brawl
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