Insomniacs assemble!!

Get into the morgue today

Three heads on the table

I resisted singing "You aint got nobody"

I am also tempted to do a The Undertaker from wrestlemania arcade cosplay

The EmuNAND feature was finally released for the 3ds! Finally can update my 3ds from 4.5 to 6.3 and play the new games without actually losing my 4.5 firmware! Downloaded PW: DD and am going to buy Pokemon X and the new zelda game shortly! Woot!

The EmuNAND feature was finally released for the 3ds! Finally can update my 3ds from 4.5 to 6.3 and play the new games without actually losing my 4.5 firmware! Downloaded PW: DD and am going to buy Pokemon X and the new zelda game shortly! Woot!
We need to add each other.

... God damnit internet. I wouldn't mind seein' more of everyone's favorite lean mean green machine, but really? Really? The petition should instead say "Dear Ninty, we like green more than red. Make Luigi the star of Mario games instead of Mario 'cause... well, wynaut?"
Good nostalgic films on TV
Tidyish flat
Good job in the morgue
Parrot being cuddly
Dinner on the go
Video games night is going to a better place
