Insomniacs assemble!!

Never bothered with or could find any Japanese candy, but American candy is rather lacking in taste in comparison to others I've had. And the north's colder temperatures do sound welcoming, but that's really all it seems to have.
The north's colder temperatures do sound welcoming, but that's really all it seems to have.

It also has nature. And slightly less racists.

Imitation flavors are not as good as the original.

Bloody hipster... but no. Not every synthetic flavor is a cheap generic produced for the taste buds of plebeians. Furthermore, I'm talkin' 'bout sweets as a whole, not just sugar-candy with flavoring. And even then, taffy would like a word with you.

do any of you guys play super smash bros. brawl?

Nope. I'm also a Project: M devotee.
English candy < American candy <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Japanese candy
Dem flavahs. The green looks especially delicious. xP Has anyone tried Wasabi Kit Kat

Well, technically...
I don't mean that aspect of it lol
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Dem flavahs. The green looks especially delicious. xP Has anyone tried Wasabi Kit Kat

Oh hey, someone else with a taste in candy.

Been a long time since my friend imported them wondrous Japanese kit-kats, but I don't believe I've had the wasabi one. IIRC the green tea flavor (you win this round, MR...) gave my taste buds temporary godhood.
Starting Monday I now work in a morgue

Its fascinating
Now, that's a job coveted by the general public. :lol:

How well's it pay? ... And what d'ya do for said job?
Same as the last one, I clean, cant do anything weird with the bodys due to CCTV all over the place.

Finsih what ever im doing in there at 0830 then I got to kill time till 1045
Spent about $250 on bitcoin not too long ago. It is now worth just shy of $1200. Awesome. Just wish I didn't spend the 2 coins I had a few months ago that I bought for a total of $120.
Investments ftw.

Keep an eye on the market, bro. Remember last time bitcoin was in the news? IIRC t'was because values crashed due to stock market like things. Gotta read them crashes and wait for the proper time to spend that profit. Not that I'd need t' tell ya that.
Nah I know. I didn't invest any more than I was willing to lose so if it crashes, oh well. I'm in it for the long haul. I am using it as kind of a savings as well. Each week on payday, it automatically takes $10 and puts it into bitcoins. figure $10 a week aint too bad.