Insomniacs assemble!!

Urgh body shut its self off for about 15 hours
^ If I could do that, I'd catch up on sleep real quick...

- Havin' music stick in your head doesn't aid you in falling asleep: fact.

I wish my wii wasn't broken, just so I could play super smash bros.

Can anyone guess what recent news story has caught my undivided attention?
Cannibalism, LSD, mental problems, all cover ups I tell you!

Know what I think it is? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Its comin. Its comin and you've all heard it from me!
lol Bodine. Guess I better get started on my RDR: Undead Nightmare playthrough. Practicing shootin' digital zambies is better than nothin'.
You do that, while I bake in the sun out in this friggin desert. It was so hot today we had to stop work for an hour break to avoid heat exhaustion/stroke.

I drank gallons of water and was sweating it as fast as I was drinking. I could eat my weight in McDonald's for three meals a day and still weigh less than I do now by the time this month is over just from sweating.

In other news, YEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!! DOOM 3 BFG Edition! Do want!
The army halted protocol because of such bad conditions? It's not even July yet...

My literal weakness is heat. I wouldn't survive a week out there, even if I was in the shape I used to be. =/ Ain't nothin' that breaks a man as pale as me like a harsh sun.
Its actually protocol to give breaks if temperatures reach over 100 degrees f. It was 107 today.
Cannibalism, LSD, mental problems, all cover ups I tell you!Know what I think it is? ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE! Its comin. Its comin and you've all heard it from me!
Some poor deluded soul from gfaqs beat you to it. He was actually believing science could create them, while ignoring the voodoo origins of the genre. Ha...!
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As I've shown before, I'm well aware of the origins. Who's to say this isn't voodoo? First we have the Miami face eater, now the Maryland brain and heart muncher. Maybe there's a voodoo cult behind all this. :shifty:

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