Insomniacs assemble!!

That tricky bastards keeps editin' his posts, so yeah, 'course ya wouldn't get it. :lol:

I also, shall go get some sleep early... For once.
So I went to Wal-Mart and saw that they had the new Epic Dawn set for sale. So, my uncontrollable urge of throwing money in Koonami's face got a hold of me, and I bought 8 packs. Going out to my truck, thinking I made a terrible decision, I went ahead and opened them.

That decision was not terrible.

I pulled a Tour Guide From the Underworld and a Starfoil Rare Fiendish Chain.

My face for the next 5 minutes- :D
da fuq is a starfoil

Random impulse pack buying getting you a tour guide must be quite awesome. That **** never worked for me...
@Assassin that's because Virtual Hats are Virtual. And I can sell these for a profit :D

@CK Starfoil is like Duel Terminal. Just exclusive to the Battle Pack: Epic Dawn.
These virtual hats have sold for $3300. How much profit do you make out of your things?

The highest sell price collectible of a particular market matters little in terms of profit, and as a hat trader, you damn-well know this. Profit is all about economical insight, makin' good deals, and knowing how to obtain your goods at a lower price/obtaining them prior to a steep increase in price if you know demand is gonna skyrocket.

As for cards, profit range for obtaining cards through buying/trade (not packs; as I said, lucky pulls of rarity is nothing more than a gamble and is an unreliable scope for gettin' profit) and then selling them would probably be around a 10-15% profit if you're good at gettin' good deals. Within a good trade circle, you can probably get close to a 20% margin very often.

Of course, most cards don't exactly sell for $100, so that percentage of profit adds up rather slowly if you've got bills to pay 'n such.

How 'bout some general specs like the above 'bout the hat tradin' business, Assasin?
Do you make profit off of them?

And One goes for 20 and the other goes for 60. I spent 16 in total.

Can I? Yes. Do I plan on doing so? Not at the moment. I still don't have the hat set I've been looking for.

Profit is all about economical insight, makin' good deals, and knowing how to obtain your goods at a lower price/obtaining them prior to a steep increase in price if you know demand is gonna skyrocket.
That's basic economical knowledge. The new crates with the sticky launchers are a recent example. Problem is, many of the young traders would rather let valuable items rot in their inventory rather than selling them, even if it meant at a lower price than buying price.

SSBfreakCK said:
As for cards, profit range for obtaining cards through buying/trade (not packs; as I said, lucky pulls of rarity is nothing more than a gamble and is an unreliable scope for gettin' profit) and then selling them would probably be around a 10-15% profit if you're good at gettin' good deals. Within a good trade circle, you can probably get close to a 20% margin very often.

As said before, making these type of deals is how all economies work, including ours. Card packs seem to fit the system of crates in TF2. However, ours also frequently involves sharking, or ripping off noobs who don't know their prices. This allows the experienced to quickly gain a profit, if they know where to look.

Here is a link to the blue book of the TF2 economy. It doesn't include the more expensive unusual hat variety though.

A refined is about equal to one dollar, with keys being around $2.50
Yugioh is also filled with traders sharking kids 'n idiots, let me tell ya. :lol: I've seen people make a 1000% profit before due to said sharking. A Common rarity card (the lowest, worth about 25 cents on average or somethin') released many years ago became ridiculously playable in certain Decks one year ago. It surprises me how many newbies will go rummage through their stacks of useless cards because of a trade request, don't bother looking at the price online while they can, and end up gettin' ripped off.

I won't lie, I'm guilty of sharking kids with the holofoil cards that are literally worthless (such cards are worth maybe $10 to a collector) and only look cool, in exchange for a card worth 20 times said holofoil.

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