Insomniacs assemble!!

Something has happened on the profiles
due sex 4 trailer:


I'm not keen on them trying to make the game into mindless action slog. I hope the moves he's pulling are exclusive to the trailer. On the bright side, I think we'll be seeing more Bob Page. That's nice.
B-but the last one was all about stealth and thus ruined the true openendness over the games
There he is:


Wonder if he'll be directly involved with his old man shenanigans in this one.
Confirmed as having three options at the end and none of your decisions in between meaning anything

I heard about read it yesterday, but refused to believe it until other news sites started publishing the story. ZUN has always been so antagonistic towards bring the series west. I guess Zun Jr needs to get his future college paid or something. Also helps that Playism is small and japanese enough of a seller that it fits his ridiculous standards.
That Nintendo NX tho....
It like kinda reminds me of Sega with the Sega genesis>Sega cd>Sega 32x bullshit.

Scary times are comin' with Ninty dropping the wiiu with the nintendo nx.
One can only assume
And the sad thing is I'll probably buy it either way. Woe is me.

Tried staying up to play Xenoblade N3DS. It didn't work out. I just prefer the Wii version.

Because sod Youtube
And the sad thing is I'll probably buy it either way. Woe is me..

Noo, I'll be the same too.
I mean nobody really knows what this "nx" is yet, however it seems more and more to be
a whole new console or wii (u) add on. I loved sega...So this **** is scary creepy AF!!!

Ya know...If the hombrew wiiu scene would blow up AND/OR the wiikeu would FINALLY release...
..There would be more wiiu console sales....that way ninty wouldn't need **** like the
nintendo youtube partner program or in need/rush to make a new console to make up loss of profit.

What I think personally and coming from a ninty fan/customer.
Homebrew wont do **** for the WiiU, it did bugger all for the Wii as it already sold a load and nobody is making games for it, the DC on the other hand is Windows based, has no back up protection and is easy to program for

Just like the dreamcast, amirite?

The Dreamcast...
I just don't know what to say.
It was and still is a great console and under rated and over looked.

Hell the Dreamcast was and still is great with or without any brew.
I can't really say why Dreamcast "failed" whether it was because the loss of trust with customers
Over the Sega 32x/cd addon or scrapped releases of other sega consoles or it being released "late" with ps2 on the way.
I just don't know.

What I do know is that you can say dc just like mj wasn't fully appreciated until after "death".
get what I'm saying?.

@prinny&assassin I truly believe hombrew will do wiiu great.
I mean let's put wii here with hombrew...that's really why it sold as much as did.
Sure it may not make developers $$$ with piracy but brew isn't just piracy it's much much more.
Yes wii is now "dead" and over with but, you still have the brew community working on brawl customs
project m with its huge community AND wimmifi to play wii online (after online shutdown).

thats just some things out of the wii brew community.
and again all that possible with brew.

So let's take wiiu with full hombrew...and wiikeu.
You'd be able to finally have actual fully working psx, ds, gcn, n64, etc emulators.
We'd get region free to allow us to play any imported games or pirated ones.
The ability to pirate wiiu games via disk/usb/etc <---- this would prob be the most wanted/popular

custom wiiu menu themes and channels (this would be my field on wiiu as it was on wii)
And yes even cheat either offline/online on wiiu games.
The potential and certainty of custom sm4sh and mk8 and many other potential games?
This is just some stuff thats all but assured with wiiu brew.

See all these things would attrack gamers and not by the hundreds but by the thousands
It would do something for wiiu.

Again just my opinions.
At the end of the day I love my dreamcast and wiiu.

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