Insomniacs assemble!!

Sleeping dogs sequel being an mmo
Is it just me or does Final Fantasy 15's battle system look like it could easily be a rip off of Xenoblade?

Not at all. XV, from what I've seen, looks like a dumbed down real-time JRPG battle system with a much higher emphasis on action. Xenoblade had a strong mmorpg influence for its battle system, except that they managed to make the combat good. Positional attacks were great fun when playing as Shulk. Hopefully Backslash will be as good in Smash as it was in its own game.
It's only Wednesday and I have over 40 hours and still have 2 more days and right now I am running on 4 hours of sleep. Thankfully I am not working salary and actually get overtime.

My interest was piqued when they mentioned the pseudo-open world and RDR, but the devs seem more hell-bent on ruining the game than anything else. That, and their fascination with an androgynous male cast. Did Lightning take away all the females for the series?
TBH, I got off the Final Fantasy train a long time ago. (I still don't know if I even got on it. It was a long time ago.)
From what I can see, FF has become some sorta long black jacket and sunglasses at night Matrix ripoff with black sports cars

If this is their way of trying to appeal to a western audience (and so is their interpretation of what they think we like) I am done with any future Final Fantasy titles. Of course that all depends on if that is indeed what they are trying to do.
Matrix Fantasy sounds like an infinitely better game than the current state of the series. If they were truly appealing to the western audience, we'd see a capitalization on the open-world aspect, a racially and sexually diverse cast, crafting, perks, dialogue choices, intimate scenes, and likely the name Dragon Age Inquisition on the cover. And that's without EA's involvement.

Squeenix recently got rid of the guy leading the development of XV, which goes to show how much trouble the game is facing. It's been in development for about 8 years and gone through name changes. The earlier gameplay from years ago shows shows more involved combat.

Target audience is the same audience that was latched way back during FF7 and X, a largely dwindling number. Perhaps they are also appealing to women with the cast. Brand recognition is also powerful. God knows the fans refuse the acknowledge any of the recent titles' blunders.

Persona 5 has a huge opportunity to take the JRPG throne if they toss enough money into marketing. I'd say Xenoblade X is a competitor due to it's ties to Smash, but being on WiiU will stop that from happening.
Is it just me or does Final Fantasy 15's battle system look like it could easily be a rip off of Xenoblade?

Apparently they said they are making it "easy for casuals"
FF fans have to put up with a lot of s××t, its gonna get to the point where it stops being an RPG and becomes an action game with RPG elements