Insomniacs assemble!!

Filmed more on our new skit. Seeing as I leave Monday for NTC, I'm forcing my YouTube partner in crime to get it all edited and uploaded before the weekend.
So I bought an Ampharos and Flareon plushie for a total of $15. Much better than the $40 I paid for Axew/Kibago and Sandile. >.<

But it's pretty much a fact at this point that Pokemon plushies are my drugs. I need my plushie money, damnitt!

22 years ago today, the world was bestowed upon it something of great manliness. God reached down from the heavens and picked up the infant and said "We shall name him Sam." In which the small infant raised his finger and told the Almighty, "No. I shall be named Bodine." And it was good.

Bodine would go on to become the epitome of manliness and guide those who fear the bravery and charisma of a manly man to become one themselves. With his strength he trained their courage, with his dashing good looks he taught them the ways of having any woman of their choosing, and with his might he taught them the proper ways of striking down their foes, and it was good.

Now today, marked as the day this world has been blessed with the awesomeness that is Bodine for 22 years, he seeks out to... not do a damn thing.

22 isn't anything special. Don't get me wrong, the years of getting hyped for my birthday have left many long long ago, but usually I held at least a somewhat mild bit of excitement for it, the celebration at least. But this year is completely and totally meh.

My 20th birthday was likewise, nothin' special. All b-days beyond the 12th begin to lose all-due epicosity and fun until you're 21 (well, if ya play life by the rules anyways). FACT

Cards that expensive?

Moar expensive. J's a budget duelist if he's spendin' $40 on the two most expensive cards in his deck.

wut is this i dont even
1. Nerds at Boy Scout camp are playing Magic
2. I ask if they can teach me how to play
3. They say yes
4. I wait
5. Nothing happens
6. I ask again next time they play
7. They say they will later
8. Later, nothing happens

And the cycle continues....
Rejected even among fellow nerds... That's pretty sad, Nicky.


- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(also, this is MR when he top decks 10 lands in a row)
- I ****IN' GIVE UP! My computer will not ****in' allow me to type out a god-damn hour consuming bit of text a fourth time now.
- Everyone has this random thing that pisses 'em off. Having to re-do anythin' time consuming is mine. **** this **** 'till tomorrow.

1. Nerds at Boy Scout camp are playing Magic
2. I ask if they can teach me how to play
3. They say yes
4. I wait
5. Nothing happens
6. I ask again next time they play
7. They say they will later
8. Later, nothing happens

And the cycle continues....

Once again, YuGiOh > Magic

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