Insomniacs assemble!!

One week until Jersey (home) !!!!

Diablo 3 is pretty damn fun when it works.

Max Payne 3 is a bit difficult but has a damn good narrative.

Getting a '07 Mazda 6 next Saturday when I get home. Can't. ****in.Wait!!!!!!!
^ Because Mimic is definitely a Flying type move, ya bloody moron. :lol:

- Internet problems, as always. Woohoo.
- Apparently the WiiU's games will be priced at $49.99.
- TAKE THAT, SONY AND MICROSOFT! D:< Money-grubbing bastards!

When did ya start lovin' everything to do with zambies, anyways?

[STRIKE]Make sure to teach 'er Hurricane.[/STRIKE]

I always have been really.

So I'm playing Yakuza Dead Souls. Just bought it and, yeah, its not that great. DAMNIT!
Think I'm going to take it back and get Dead Island, if its worth a crap
^ It definitely ain't, 'less you intend to do it co-op (or if it's dead-cheap). From what I've seen 'n heard, Dead Island's single player is... well, lacking.
This summer I plan to go on a video game, TV show, and movie spree. And I wanna get out more too.
^ It definitely ain't, 'less you intend to do it co-op (or if it's dead-cheap). From what I've seen 'n heard, Dead Island's single player is... well, lacking.

The intent is there, the ability to, that's a problem. I've searched five times already for someone up for Dead Island co-op. Still nothing. So I've been zombie slaying all in my lonesome.
Murdering countless hordes of undead nasties certainly is difficult alone.

- The feeling I'm forgettin' to do somethin' is strong... And 99% of the time, I'm right.

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