Insomniacs assemble!!

I find coffee to taste best at night.


Tastebuds, like every other part'a your body, are derp 'til you've woke up proper and have shaken off all'a the sleep-related chemicals. Hence why lavish, flavorful breakfasts aren't the typical norm in common beginning-of-day routine: derpy mornin' tastebuds (give it a year, the term'l be in Oxford dictionary).

'Course, your palate can be ruined by a myriad of other nightly issues. Those who wake up with clogged sinuses (from allergies, sleep disorders, etc.) have derpy morning tastebuds the worst, what with sense of smell bein' so important to sense of taste.
"Smell of Pichu" sounds even worse than Axe. Very few (if any) odors from a baby are appealing, none the less an infant rodent.
...what? I think you might be mistaking something else for coffee. Wouldn't surprise me, it's a common misunderstanding. 'tis the extent of Starbucks' influence.
What, the alternative I mentioned, or what I'm drinking?


Tastebuds, like every other part'a your body, are derp 'til you've woke up proper and have shaken off all'a the sleep-related chemicals. Hence why lavish, flavorful breakfasts aren't the typical norm in common beginning-of-day routine: derpy mornin' tastebuds (give it a year, the term'l be in Oxford dictionary).

'Course, your palate can be ruined by a myriad of other nightly issues. Those who wake up with clogged sinuses (from allergies, sleep disorders, etc.) have derpy morning tastebuds the worst, what with sense of smell bein' so important to sense of taste.
That doesn't explain why coffee is tasting mediocre to me at every other time of day, though. The coffee I had this morning is the same stuff I've been drinking.
What, the alternative I mentioned, or what I'm drinking?

Both, but moreso applies to the former. Actual coffee is far more cheap and bitter than a cappuccino, so I don't know what's prompting you to say the opposite of what it should be tasting like. I therefore conclude that you're drinking something of a Starbucks quality.
That doesn't explain why coffee is tasting mediocre to me at every other time of day, though. The coffee I had this morning is the same stuff I've been drinking.

Well, my food-science jargon was just buildin' on Assasin's sort-of-mention'a derpy mornin' tastebuds moreso than attemptin' to explain why ya ain't enjoyin' your coffee. Only 'Karp knows why ya can't enjoy a good caffeinated beverage. Ain't that hard for me, t'is for damn sure.
Ya don't like tea either?

... ... ... I thought your bad tastes didn't extend beyond gaming and fish monsters.