Insomniacs assemble!!

Religion being law wouldn't be so bad if people didn't twist and tweek it to their personal agenda.

I can assure you that law based on Aztec principle would definitely be so bad.

Religion mixing with law and/or politics is quite literally just as bad as corrupt officials bein' in charge, as in either situation, justice is thrown out the window either for the pursuit of personal goals or, specifically for the former, personal beliefs. Religion bein' law is literally tweeking law to fit one's personal agenda, regardless of good or bad intent.

slavery, anti-women's rights, homophobia, and wars

Many dogma use such things as a foundation to build themselves. Last I checked, most-every religion ever ain't too keen on gender equality.
Many dogma use such things as a foundation to build themselves. Last I checked, most-every religion ever ain't too keen on gender equality.

Scientifically, genders are not equal. If one wants gender equality, they'd need to resort to organizations with similar beliefs, which has been done in the past. Incidentally, in early America, these groups were christians.
And how would you enforce equal gender rights among your fellow citizens? More importantly, how would you make the rest of the world follow your beliefs on the matter? I'm certain one wouldn't be satisfied with only a state or country being gender equal while the rest of the world does its own thing.
Hmm... can't tell whether to get involved in this discussion or not. On one hand I have fairly good arguments, on the other hand my side is hated, and I'll probably not represent it well anyway.
If there was a single one answer t' that question, the world would be a grand place, wouldn't it?

If anything, it'd probably be the opposite of grand. A place where everyone is treated equally is likely to have adverse effects on progress and in general, our own species' survival. Our advances have been largely due to inequality, such as capitalism's need of exploitation of the less fortunate. To strive for a world where everyone is happy due to equal rights is in many ways naive and ignorant of the way our world works.

Hmm... can't tell whether to get involved in this discussion or not. On one hand I have fairly good arguments, on the other hand my side is hated, and I'll probably not represent it well anyway.

I tried staying out, but they kept going at it, so why not? The more the merrier.
A place where everyone is treated equally is likely to have adverse effects on progress and in general, our own species' survival. Our advances have been largely due to inequality, such as capitalism's need of exploitation of the less fortunate.

That pretty much covers half my stuff already.

But, I do believe heavily in chivalry... my own strange kind of chivalry. Anarcho-chivalry, basically take that social darwinism stuff and combine it with a revolutionary thought-line that encourages constant uprising to make sure that the people in charge are actually fit for it.

Of course then the chivalry adds the spin of attempting to protect the weak, which seems hypocritical; but that's really about protecting humanities potential. Very powerful things and ideas come from strange places, so keeping all of the resource (people) safe is an important part of the system, even if the people don't do as well in a competitive society they have to be given their chance to fight society and achieve something on their own.

So in conclusion: Things could be better, but that would be unrealistic.

Edit: I feel like a failure of a writer looking back and seeing how error filled that paragraph was...
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@ Assasin: ... Speakin' of goin' at it, I just remembered that conversation we were havin' 'bout Smash awhile ago. Think I forgot 'bout it 'cause of a migraine...

A place where everyone is treated equally is likely to have adverse effects on progress and in general, our own species' survival.

If a legitimate thesis could support this seemingly absurd sentiment, I'd **** Pokeblocks. Then, start hating the world even more.

Our advances have been largely due to inequality.

Giving majority credit to advances in technology, science and whatnot to anything at all sounds preposterous to me, none the less human inequality. Do explain how inequality is directly responsible for humankind's progression.

To strive for a world where everyone is happy is in many ways naive and ignorant of the way our world works.

If a legitimate thesis could support this seemingly absurd sentiment, I'd **** Pokeblocks. Then, start hating the world even more.
Essays are my weakest point in everything ever, so no. Keep your Pokeblocks within yourself.

Splash_King said:
Giving majority credit to advances in technology, science and whatnot to anything at all sounds preposterous to me, none the less human inequality. Do explain how inequality is directly responsible for humankind's progression.

Competitivenessesses. Not the video game or sports kind, the one that actually matters.

Probably most of the things you own, clothes, video games, utensils, and so on were made in China, which is infamous for exploiting its people. Also the reason it's cheaper than it could be if it were made here. Much of our trash is shipped off to 3rd world countries, some of which is toxic. The reason America became an economic powerhouse was due to the profits of slavery. Animal testing, while not involving humans(most of the time) is still an inequality. Many scientific discoveries have been due to it. You get the picture.
Essays are my weakest point in everything ever, so no. Keep your Pokeblocks within yourself.

... Can't be arsed t' write one myself.

Competitivenessesses. Not the video game or sports kind, the one that actually matters.

Nonsense, competitive gaming most assuredly matters. It has it's own economical impact. Venues are rented, merchandise is produced and sold, prize money pots bein' built almost entirely from sponsors... it's sure as **** not a multi-billion dollar industry (and thus is only a small part of the gaming industry in its own right), but there's lots of money goin' 'round in said vidya gaem culture.

Probably most of the things you own, clothes, video games, utensils, and so on were made in China, which is infamous for exploiting its people. Also the reason it's cheaper than it could be if it were made here. Much of our trash is shipped off to 3rd world countries, some of which is toxic. The reason America became an economic powerhouse was due to the profits of slavery. Animal testing, while not involving humans(most of the time) is still an inequality. Many scientific discoveries have been due to it. You get the picture.

In other words, if someone doesn't have "their share" of wealth they "earned", someone else does. Our wealth is thanks to inequality and exploitation. Indirectly, wealth funds growth and progress. Indirectly. Capitalism, feudalism, etc. isn't the only answer for economy. Certainly ain't the best neither, but that's a whole 'nother topic... one I'd rather not touch too. economy talk = boring

Summarized, money makes the world go 'round, regardless of how said worth is obtained. Exploitation is just one of many means.
Nonsense, competitive gaming most assuredly matters. It has it's own economical impact. Venues are rented, merchandise is produced and sold, prize money pots bein' built almost entirely from sponsors... it's sure as **** not a multi-billion dollar industry (and thus is only a small part of the gaming industry in its own right), but there's lots of money goin' 'round in said vidya gaem culture.

I'm sure there's lots of money going around in the competitive gaming industry, but not in legitimate ways. Also doesn't help that their culture is tasked with taking the fun out of gaming.

Splash_King said:
economy talk = boring

You make no sense. Money talk is never boring.
Money involves math, your argument is invalid.

Actually that invalidates your argument. The only people who don't find math fun are the people who haven't stuck with math to get to the higher level maths that are actually fun. Yes, low level math is boring; but so is anything at the lowest level.