Insomniacs assemble!!

Ah, yes. It's related to 999. Gotten lots of recommendations even though I lack the system. Of course, I think you should prioritize getting certain other games over it...

Not sure what you mean, unless you're talking about continuing Pandora's Tower or buying Xenogears.
Like Pokemon XY, for example.

By the way, I might get "Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix", but only if the game isn't as rushed as DDD. I felt like I was rushing through levels in that game.
1.5 is just a re-release of Re: Chain of Memories (which is most certainly superior to the GBA original) as well as the first overseas release of the "Kingdom Hearts Final Mix", a re-release of KH1 only sold in Japan. The DS KH game 358/2 Days is also essentially turned into a movie "spanning 2 hours and 50 minutes of HD remastered cinematics from the original game, as well as new scenes"... which will be infinitely better than that awful game. Ugh.

Even if ya don't end up liking RE:COM all-that much (the game's a bit hit 'n miss, as some people just don't care for the card system... even though it's good), odds are you'll enjoy Final Mix. Better yet, you'll be caught up 'til Kingdom Hearts 2 if ya finish both games and watch through that there KHMovie.

... Wonder how many not-so diehard KH fans will actually manage t' sit through them three hours'a cutscenes.
Even if ya don't end up liking RE:COM all-that much (the game's a bit hit 'n miss, as some people just don't care for the card system... even though it's good), odds are you'll enjoy Final Mix. Better yet, you'll be caught up 'til Kingdom Hearts 2 if ya finish both games and watch through that there KHMovie.
Are either of the two games included as rushed as DDD was? Not in story, I mean in gameplay.
But yes

Its not nice

Its not nice
What is this "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward" game? Apparently it's some visual novel for the 3DS which got great reviews. I might be interested, as aside from Ace Attorney 5 I don't believe there's any games I want coming out in September...
It is one of my all-time favorite games. It is just simply amazing. It follows somewhat999 but you don't HAVE to play it before Zero Escape but I highly recommend it. 999 was amazing and Zero Escape took what made 999 good and made it better. If you do get it, beware that there is a game breaking glitch if you save in the PEC room puzzle. Just make sure you save BEFORE entering and do the entire puzzle in one go. If you don't have time to finish, just turn it off. Do not save. It WILL corrupt your gamesave. IDK if they patched it or not. Hopefully they did.
It is one of my all-time favorite games. It is just simply amazing. It follows somewhat999 but you don't HAVE to play it before Zero Escape but I highly recommend it. 999 was amazing and Zero Escape took what made 999 good and made it better. If you do get it, beware that there is a game breaking glitch if you save in the PEC room puzzle. Just make sure you save BEFORE entering and do the entire puzzle in one go. If you don't have time to finish, just turn it off. Do not save. It WILL corrupt your gamesave. IDK if they patched it or not. Hopefully they did.
Heh, funny that you post this literally five minutes after I started downloading Zero Escape.

This glitch, is it in 999 or the game I'm downloading? And regarding 999, I might look into it, but I dunno.
Heh, funny that you post this literally five minutes after I started downloading Zero Escape.

This glitch, is it in 999 or the game I'm downloading? And regarding 999, I might look into it, but I dunno.
Sorry I should have been more clear. It is in Zero Escape. There are references to 999 in Zero Escape but it explains them if you haven't played it.

EDIT: Apparently the glitch is also in the Crews Quarters so beware and save before that part as well (you will know before you go in the rooms which you're going into so save before those and finish in one go.)
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Sorry I should have been more clear. It is in Zero Escape. There are references to 999 in Zero Escape but it explains them if you haven't played it.
Okay. Does the game let you know when you're about to start this "PEC Room Puzzle", or does it throw you in without much warning? Somewhat specific question, but I'm hesitant to Google too much due to the looming threat of spoilers.
Okay. Does the game let you know when you're about to start this "PEC Room Puzzle", or does it throw you in without much warning? Somewhat specific question, but I'm hesitant to Google too much due to the looming threat of spoilers.

The door will say PEC on it so you will know. But I just researched it and turns out the eshop version is fixed apparently so you shouldn't have to worry. I'd still play it safe and do that room (and crews quarters apparently) in one go and save before you enter.
The door will say PEC on it so you will know. But I just researched it and turns out the eshop version is fixed apparently so you shouldn't have to worry. I'd still play it safe and do that room (and crews quarters apparently) in one go and save before you enter.
Sweet, thanks for the info. I probably won't save in there anyway, like you suggested, since I'm pretty paranoid.