Insomniacs assemble!!

Missingno posted this on BMGf. I found it rather hilarious.
TheMissingno. said:
One time I had a dream that I was fighting Archaic. It was an epic battle on top of a mountain in the midst of a blizzard. I was wielding Blue Thunder, the enchanted diamond blade of unbreaking, sharpness and looting. He was using the Hammer of the Gods, a legendary weapon borrowed form Moot himself, capable of destroying even the most infamous of trolls.

The battle raged on for hours, when suddenly the mountain broke in two, separating both combatants. From the depths of the schism of earth formed by the mountain's separation crawled none other than Antichrist Masuda himself. Archaic and I had no choice but to set aside our differences and join forces to banish this pestilence back to the shadows.

We had Masuda cornered on the edge of the abyss about to be sealed away forever, when he started laughing. "YOU FOOLS!" he said, "THIS IS NOT EVEN MY FINAL FORM!" He said evilly as his body started to grow and give off a horrible aura of darkness.

What stood before me was a creature so vile that I would be sure my ocular organs betray me. A 24 headed beast with tentacles and spikes and things. Fearlessly, Archaic lept into the air in pursuit of the monster. As he was about to deliver the final blow, the monster let out a thunderous roar which cut into Archaic with the combined power of every troll, spambot and hacker on the internets. With his last breath, Archaic held out the Hammer of the Gods and said "Avenge... me...."

I had no choice. Hammer in one hand and sword in the other, I faced the beast. As I ran towards my wretched foe, he let out another scream. The entire world went dark and I could feel my life force slipping away. Just as all hope seemed lost, the ghost of Baron Brixius appeared before me in a ray of light. In a godly voice, he said "Dude, it's just a ****ing pokemon forum." With these words, my power was restored. I became aware of reality again, and cut straight through the monster's roar with Blue Thunder. Raising the Hammer of the Gods and Blue Thunder, I simultaneously stabbed him in the heart and bashed the head that looked like it was his main one.

Then I woke up.

[strike]I love you Missy[/strike]

Archaic is the head of BMGf if you didn't know.
Sounds like I'm missin' a good joke... I do not enjoy missin' a joke.

Hey 'Karp:
Why did you stop using

and now only use


Why the **** do ya think? :lol: Everythin' is better with moar Magikarp.