Insomniacs assemble!!

Smash Brothers Melee will be at EVO 2013.

This is a great day.

Skype convo
[11:45:53 PM] Nick (Neosquid): I'm only on Act 4 still. Guess I'll need to read more.
[11:46:00 PM] Nick Murray: you need to
[11:46:02 PM] Nick Murray: homestuck is amazing
[11:46:23 PM] Nick (Neosquid): I feel like I'm getting high just by reading it...
[11:46:35 PM] Nick (Neosquid): How many acts is this comic?
[11:47:03 PM] Nick Murray: supposedly it will be 7 acts
[11:47:10 PM] Nick Murray: but if you're in act 4 you're not even halfway through
[11:47:19 PM] Nick (Neosquid): It's not done yet?
[11:47:22 PM] Nick Murray: don't worry if you're only in act 4 you are not at the height of homestuckmania
[11:47:23 PM] Nick Murray: it's not
[11:47:26 PM] Nick Murray: just keep reading
[11:47:37 PM] Nick (Neosquid): How often does he update?
[11:47:46 PM] Nick Murray: by the time you get into act 5 you're going to be super-hooked
[11:47:51 PM] Nick Murray: uh he tries to update every day
[11:48:03 PM] Nick Murray: like he's more prolific than most comic writers
[11:48:09 PM] Nick (Neosquid): I....noticed....
[11:48:22 PM] Nick (Neosquid): He's already wasted probably ****ing 20 hours of my life
[11:48:36 PM] Nick (Neosquid): Reading this comic
[11:48:39 PM] Nick (Neosquid): :I
[11:48:43 PM] Nick Murray: only 20?
[11:48:58 PM] Nick (Neosquid): ......
[11:49:06 PM] Nick (Neosquid): I fear for what I've gotten myself into
[11:49:16 PM] Nick (Neosquid): Not that I have any issue with reading it
[11:49:17 PM] Nick Murray: what's the last thing to have happened in act 4 for you?
[11:49:19 PM] Nick (Neosquid): It's awesome
[11:49:20 PM] Nick (Neosquid): Umm
[11:49:50 PM] Nick (Neosquid): [Edited Spoilers]
[11:49:58 PM] Nick Murray: okay wow you've got soooooo much left
[11:50:00 PM] Nick (Neosquid): I'm stopping here for now
[11:50:05 PM] Nick Murray: dude if you think you're in the awesome bits
[11:50:08 PM] Nick Murray: man i'm jealous
[11:50:12 PM] Nick Murray: i wish i could read it again for the first time
[11:50:12 PM] Nick (Neosquid): wut
[11:50:25 PM] Nick (Neosquid): oh my god this is going to consume my life
[11:50:50 PM] Nick Murray: it is
[11:50:57 PM] Nick Murray: what's the page number you're on?
[11:51:32 PM] Nick (Neosquid): 3488, according to the address....

So basically I'm 15 or 20 hours into Homestuck and I'm apparently less then halfway though.
