Insomniacs assemble!!

I have this weird urge to be as random as humanly possible and to act like I'm on way too much weed. o_O

As recent evidence shows, of course.

I thought you were parodyin' BlurayPSP, but whatever.

That blizzard caused thirty two car crashes on a freeway nearby me, and at least four people died. Now you're joking about playing in it? You filthy Nazi. You Jew. I hate you. This is simply unacceptable. You will not laugh in my face when innocent people die because they can't see the ****ing road, you mother****er. People like you are the reason the world sucks. You're causing global warming with your suck. Your sheer fail pollutes the mother****ing oceans. ****. You don't even deserve death, Hell would be better without you. Stop raising the national debt. Stop causing wars. AND GODDAMNITT BATHROOMS NEED AT LEAST TWO ****ING STALLS NOT JUST ONE THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH AMERICA IT IS THE REASON THAT WE ARE FAT AND IT IS THE REASON FOR HOMELESSNESS IT IS THE REASON THAT THE ALIENS ARE INVADING AND IT IS THE REASON THAT OBAMA IS RUINING THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF MUSKRATS. ****

Maybe this Homestuck is internet weed
Dude I'm f*ckin scared I have this slasher smile glued on my face and it's not like I'm in control of my thought process anymore and I wanna spam messages about how the giants have hijacked the ramen noodles of Tokyo.

holy ****

this sensation

it's like

Probably shouldn't of drunk that extra cup'a joe, Nicky.
Who is joe and why would I drink him. I'm not a vampire. You're stupid for thinking I'm one. Stupid boy.

The funny thing is that I seriously am like frickin high right now it's quite bizarre I'm not even kidding

Off to bed before I leave any more chaos in my wake, goodnight everypony!
15 hours sleep FTW?