Insomniacs assemble!!

I won a bet

The bet was that you would say kelvin

Do you even know what Kelvin is? The entire 273+ from celsius thing?

Rocker the internet doesn't suck when you use it to communicate with people down the road from you because some games don't have splitscreen!
I know how horrifying is that?
But, but. I'll be there. We can play everything all day long.

Even fish for our survival. We'll just make peace offerings with the indigenous carnivores there.
Id of preferred "Wan king"

You know the old king of Wan

Send an e-mail via "Contact Us" bro. Neil will set ya up good, grand admin he is.
Is Character Loyalty a good thing or a bad thing?

A good thing, 'course! Not that it'l be guaranteed t' have a good impact on your performance. Wantin' to main Vergil or Meta 'cause you like 'em is obviously more acceptable than 'cause you want t' be a tier whore.

Not that it is actually acceptable for the latter.