Insomniacs assemble!!

It is just pure FUN!!!!
I've got a low attention span when it comes to videos of unfamiliar games.

Any comparisons to other games? Is there exploration? How's the gameplay, etc.
Just watch the video
It's not boring at all

If you insist,
There is exploration but IDK what changes they made in Borderlands 2 (Not much exploration in one)
Gameplay is extremely fun FPS (It's the weapons that make it so fun)
The characters are funny and colorful

I can hardly compare Blands 1 to Blands 2 from what I am seeing
I've seen the first one sale for like 7 bucks before, but the supposed difference between the first and second games makes it harder to figure out if the changes are for better or worse. The video didn't have the actual gameplay that I was looking for.
Torchlight 2 is finally coming out Sept 20. Fears of it being vaporware are over. It's pretty hard for it to be worse than Diablo 3 and it doesn't hurt that this one is made by the Diablo 2 devs. Had enough waiting for my preorder.
Play 6 games of SFxTK, get tired of it.

Play 2 games of MW2, get tired of it.

Open up my Pogeymenz, get tired of it.

Either A) I'm depressed, or B) I need new games.

Unfortunately, my brother has the Xenoblade at school so I can't start it.
You need better games
^ Hence my adamant fervor over him gettin' Red Dead Redemption. The poor soul needs a higher standard library'a games ASAP.

- My insomnimania has randomly been exchanged for bouts of intense drowsiness lately. Never experienced anythin' like this before, and it's thoroughly throwin' me off...
Loading HD videos takes ages.

40 hours?