Insomniacs assemble!!

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes has fully caught my attention, and I shall be looking for info on it throughout the internets daily from now till its release.

Seriously this bit was bloody silly
Play 6 games of SFxTK, get tired of it.

Play 2 games of MW2, get tired of it.

Open up my Pogeymenz, get tired of it.

Either A) I'm depressed, or B) I need new games.

Unfortunately, my brother has the Xenoblade at school so I can't start it.
What ya need bro, is RDR. A new game that'l get ya outta any depression in a moment's notice.

... Excellent games have that effect, I tell ya!
Me and Rocker and CK playing Borderlands 2 together on Live
That would be awesome
especially because it's Borderlands 2