Insomniacs assemble!!

I herd Diablo 3 was a pretty bad game compared to number 2

Just putting it out there
vehicles are a more dangerous weapons then guns

The conversation is already ended. lol.

I never played 2 but I can tell 3 isn't as good when someone beats the entire game on all difficulties except the last one in a day or two.
Still relevant because there was a hit and run (car going 80 mph) right around the corner recently

Oh for **** sake! People get run down all the time and more often then not it's the peds fault! End of conversation.

Unless of course you want to me to go on about how it's hit and run if the driver doesn't stop and thus becomes responsible.
Oh for **** sake! People get run down all the time and more often then not it's the peds fault! End of conversation.

Unless of course you want to me to go on about how it's hit and run if the driver doesn't stop and thus becomes responsible.
Obviously you don't know how fast 80mph is
the street was a 20mph street
The peds were crossing a crosswalk and the driver did not stop even for stop signs. In fact he drove right through it. Severed the guys leg, and broke the others leg, and slaughtered all of their dogs. Which was four. If someone did not stop the bleeding, it would be manslaughter
Obviously you don't know how fast 80mph is
the street was a 20mph street
The peds were crossing a crosswalk and the driver did not stop even for stop signs. In fact he drove right through it. Severed the guys leg, and broke the others leg, and slaughtered all of their dogs. Which was four. If someone did not stop the bleeding, it would be manslaughter

And how do you know all of this?
This happened right outside my door
and the police actually caught the guy
I believe he was trying to wash the blood off

Woooooooooh! [STRIKE]That's supposed to be a ghost noise[/STRIKE]
Careful! Or a manian car driver might plummet his car bonnet into your kneecaps!
Trying to keep it serious here
The guy could still die

Well I don't! There's still little to no information on anything related to the so called "hit and run" mentioned here. Thusly there's no way of telling if it was on purpose or not.
When the guy hits them
drives away
does not even stop
and trys to wash off the blood

Maybe it's a hit and run

Maybe it was an accident
Maybe the driver didn't know he was over the limit
Maybe he washed the blood off and tried to get away with it while having a guilty conscience of what he hit.

Thusly we have no possible way of telling.
And vice versa. TWEWY has it's fair share of weaboo idiots too. The only reason the former's fanbase is so much worse is 'cause the series is so mainstream IMO.You're awful concerned 'bout your beloved game's fanbase. :lol:
TWEWY probably has a higher % of fans being weaboo, honestly, considering the game's location is based off of Shibuya 109. But I'm yet to find them. I joined a TWEWY forum and none of them were annoying kids. A lot of KH fans I've seen from YouTube are annoying who think Kingdom Hearts is God's gift to the Earth. I love TWEWY, but I know it isn't for everyone. But now I can't go to a YouTube video for TWEWY without seeing "OMG this game looks awesome!!!!!!!! Almost as good as KH! I must get it!" When actually all they see is that they were the first non Final Fantasy or Disney characters to cameo, so they assume it is freaking amazing. They judge it before they even play it. And crap like that ticks me off to no end. I'd rather the game stay low profile. Or else it'll be like My Little Pony and there are so many annoying fans that all of the fanbase looks bad.
Maybe it was an accident
Maybe the driver didn't know he was over the limit
Maybe he washed the blood off and tried to get away with it while having a guilty conscience of what he hit.

Thusly we have no possible way of telling.

And he was going 80 on a 20 mile per hour street
TWEWY probably has a higher % of fans being weaboo, honestly, considering the game's location is based off of Shibuya 109. But I'm yet to find them. I joined a TWEWY forum and none of them were annoying kids. A lot of KH fans I've seen from YouTube are annoying who think Kingdom Hearts is God's gift to the Earth. I love TWEWY, but I know it isn't for everyone. But now I can't go to a YouTube video for TWEWY without seeing "OMG this game looks awesome!!!!!!!! Almost as good as KH! I must get it!" When actually all they see is that they were the first non Final Fantasy or Disney characters to cameo, so they assume it is freaking amazing. They judge it before they even play it. And crap like that ticks me off to no end. I'd rather the game stay low profile. Or else it'll be like My Little Pony and there are so many annoying fans that all of the fanbase looks bad.

Yeah you are probably right...exact same damn thing happened to League of Legends. It eventually became main stream and things got really bad with that game. Popularity imo is a games biggest enemy but when it's under the radar the community is more controlled and somewhat more mature. Same with Battlefield and Call of Duty before it.
If everyone had a gun more people would be dead and there would be more crime as some people that cant afford a gun would be tempted to use it to rob places.

Not everyone would have a gun; not even close to every American household has a firearm, none the less every person. In my opinion, both popular arguments supporting or renouncing the right to bear arms are a load of ****.

"If everyone has a gun, they can defend themselves!"

As Bloke says, the more available a weapon is, the more commonly people will use it for misdeeds. More crime, more deaths, more idiots who can't handle the power of a firearm.

"If no one has guns, there will be less crime and murder!"

On a small scale, petty thieves and idiots no longer having access to guns lead this to be true. At the same time, larger criminals now have a huge advantage over civilians who can't defend themselves, as well as any police forces not allowed to carry firearms. This "advantage" lets criminal organizations get away with more terrible deeds, and more often. Lesser crimes (not that manslaughter is a "lesser" crime...) more often, or more serious crimes more often (bank robberies, massacres, etc.). Whether or not either can be considered a lesser evil is irrelevant, since gun control or gun freedom can't come anywhere close to completely ending the problem.

And just for the sake of mention, gun control statistics show it really doesn't work. People hell bent on crime 'n murder will still take their blades 'n home-made bombs to the battleground. Since their targets won't have guns, it's even. Just as if criminals and civilians might cross each other and both have a firearm.

Hence why they should be banned from sale to Joe Public and anyone that has one on them should be locked up. (displaying them at home is not as bad as even I have some marital arts weapons on display)

This "Joe Public" needs to have no criminal record, have no mental disabilities, etc. in order to purchase a firearm in the US. You can't be a criminal 'n go buy a gun at any store. Literally every thug in the US gets their guns through connections, not a professional arms dealer. Common misconception. When gun salesmen are monitored properly by law, so are their consumers who go through paperwork that needs to be a-OK'd before they get the weapon they purchase.

Theres more nuters in the US than in almost any country.
From religious nut jobs, to flesh eaters, to KKK. Bloody loads.

... Can't argue with that. :lol:

See ya later bro and true, this isn't really going anywhere now.

That's because neither argument really solves the problem: preventing firearm death. >_>

He malnourished himself, he didn't even eat! My parents are depressing to be around...

Nope, the kid likely died of either blood clotting or heart failure due to blood pressure complications. It ain't possible to die from no food or water in just two days 'less you're in the bloody Sahara Desert.

Maybe it was an accident
Maybe the driver didn't know he was over the limit
Maybe he washed the blood off and tried to get away with it while having a guilty conscience of what he hit.

Thusly we have no possible way of telling.

Now you're arguing for the sake of disagreeing with MR, stop bein' a fool. :lol: You don't go 60 MPH over a speed limit without knowing. I don't give a damn if ya don't know the KMPH-MPH conversation rates, it's pretty ****in' obvious that 60-anything is a pretty damn big difference in speed.
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