Insomniacs assemble!!

- Internets keeps diein' on me today... A quick reset for my wireless adapter repairs it every time, but I'm curious as to what's causin' it.
"Special" Saturn that I got off someone dont work (getting refund).
Mine decides to stop working
TV stops working.

Urgh one of those days apart from
Made £30 on a arcade machine (Monday)
About £20 on LPs I was given
Day Z seems like a mod with great potential. An open world mmo-ish survival horror zombie game. I'm considering trading one of my hats for the required games to run it.
Day Z seems like a mod with great potential. An open world mmo-ish survival horror zombie game. I'm considering trading one of my hats for the required games to run it.
I saw my friend play it
very interesting game
I am thinking about getting it
So no longer am I confined to the endless land that is the Mojave Desert. Hows the wiichat peeps been?
Welcome back to the land of the hydrated amigo.

- Heat is gettin' worse finally. AC is still broken. DANGER

Day Z seems like a mod with great potential. An open world mmo-ish survival horror zombie game. I'm considering trading one of my hats for the required games to run it.

If ya do give it a try, throw some opinions my way of how it is for bein' in Alpha. Though I'm sure it'l be completed and officially released by the time I get a new PC...
So no longer am I confined to the endless land that is the Mojave Desert. Hows the wiichat peeps been?
I created a moveset thread
I believe I cataloged one of your movesets
If ya do give it a try, throw some opinions my way of how it is for bein' in Alpha. Though I'm sure it'l be completed and officially released by the time I get a new PC...
Day Z is very realistic CK
Guns are few
you have too repare cars and vehicles in order to use them (or just steal)
trust no one
In one sentence:
Beans justify the means.
While it's possible to team up with friends and form a survivor group, you'll find most people would rather fend for themselves. Seems like the real monsters aren't the zombies in it. Things like that in the game are pretty damn clever.
While it's possible to team up with friends and form a survivor group, you'll find most people would rather fend for themselves. Seems like the real monsters aren't the zombies in it. Things like that in the game are pretty damn clever.
Quite so
People yell out "Friendly" then shoot you in the face

My friend missed a shot at a guy
the guy asked who was shooting at him
my friend said he was being shot at too and mentioned he was by the window
the guy comes to the window
and he gets a bullet in the head
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I created a moveset thread
I believe I cataloged one of your movesets

Day Z is very realistic CK
Guns are few
you have too repare cars and vehicles in order to use them (or just steal)
trust no one
In one sentence:
Beans justify the means.

I saw that I was mentioned but didn't see any of my move sets on the thread. Awesome thread by the way. Which move set was it you were looking to put in there that i created? Jack from Madworld, Ninten from Mother, Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter?
I saw that I was mentioned but didn't see any of my move sets on the thread. Awesome thread by the way. Which move set was it you were looking to put in there that i created? Jack from Madworld, Ninten from Mother, Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter?
Jack would be the next one I do
then Ryu
I put up your most recent wich was the Dragon Born
although the final smash was a joke
could you make an alternate one

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