Insomniacs assemble!!

I think my Wii may be broken. It got turned off due to a power outage yesterday, and when I tried to turn it on to play Xenoblade, the system wouldn't start. There's not even a light on the power button.


Goddamnitt, this blows. To make it worse, my Xenoblade disc is stuck inside and I have a lot of save data of stuff in there. I hope it can be fixed. ;_;

After experimenting with a power cord at my friend's house, my Wii console itself isn't damaged, it's merely the power cord. Still gotta buy a new one, but I'm still relieved. ^_^
Money don't make the world go 'round, but it sure as **** will make your head spin...

- I'm quite pleased my area ain't suffering from the heat wave that's almost US-wide. Namely since the house's AC is still broken...
- Could of sworn my Live was ending this month, but it turns out it's in August. Works for me. :D

Theatrhythm is where is at xD

Is it actually any good?
3 more. I would like to have the most posts on this thread. ^_^

So, to avoid complete spam, I made the cutest sprite picture ever today for my girlfriend. I'm considering showing it.

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