Insomniacs assemble!!

- Oh look, Bxym is on his way to 100 posts a day again. WHAT A SURPRISE.

And it's good to have both of ya back. :D

Next thing ya know, the entire 'mons forum crowd will return. WMBQ returnin' is clearly the herald of such an unlikely (read: impossible) phenomenon.

Didn't realize Wiichat had an XBL community... Ever. :lol:

... I'm honestly not sure which one is moar deplorable.
You know you love it because I sure as **** do
[STRIKE]Me, enjoy gettin' 100 posts a day? No thanks, I prefer to put grammar and content into all my posts 'n such.[/STRIKE]

trolling (all in good fun, of course. :p) aside plz do work on ur grammar my friend
- Chuck Norris promotes Anti-Gay sentiments?! I'LL NEVER USE THE MEME AGAIN!

- I'm not at all surprised that a Christian Southern white man from the 20th century might hold some prejudice views typical for the time period. Ain't like he's ever been my role model or nothin' anyways. To hell with him 'n his queer-killin' roundhouses.

Damnit, I totally just ****ed up 'n used a Norris meme already...

Well, even the brightest people can't always get it.

I know I miss the moar clever jokes half the time... ... ...
- Chuck Norris promotes Anti-Gay sentiments?! I'LL NEVER USE THE MEME AGAIN!
Karp you are getting ahead of yourself.
Because the Boy Scouts of America is a private organization, they have the right to exclude anyone. I support Chuck Norris on this. Protection of private organizations and protection of private property.

You can start your own private organization and exclude anyone who does not like Magikarp.

Well, even the brightest people can't always get it.
The smart ones miss them more often then not. Most of the really smart ones have a defect in their sarcasm sensors. (I can't detect sarcasm most of the time aswell)
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^ S'pose the clue was the post containing a Norris joke; I thought it'd be somewhat obvious I left it in there on purpose to contradict "never using the meme again", and thus a hint towards sarcasm.

Karp you are getting ahead of yourself.
Because the Boy Scouts of America is a private organization, they have the right to exclude anyone. I support Chuck Norris on this. Protection of private organizations and protection of private property.

I don't recall stating anythin' towards whether or not the BSA can uphold such rules or not, now did I MR? :p I was complainin' 'bout Norris' moral belief, nothin' more. Don't feel like gettin' into such a debate neither, been years since I've bothered with such rubbish.

You can start your own private organization and exclude anyone who does not like Magikarp.

I don't need to since said organization already exists. It's name? Wiichat. ;)

The smart ones miss them more often then not. Most of the really smart ones have a defect in their sarcasm sensors. (I can't detect sarcasm most of the time aswell)

I don't see the logic in that statement, but apparently said logic dictates that I'm smart, so I'll take it. :lol:
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You could at least left a clue somewhere.
Try the irony mark

I don't see the logic in that statement, but apparently said logic dictates that I'm smart, so I'll take it. :lol:
Really smart people are most of the time socially awkward, there for don't pick up on sarcastic comments
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Actually, both Norris supporters as well as opposers use those jokes. The fact that you bothered to post Chuck related new shows you expected something out of this. Either trolling on your part or discussion. Both!

I use the thread of talkin' just as I would use the "What are you thinkin' 'bout?" thread. I posted what I was thinkin' 'bout, which happened to be that news story thanks to a friend who actually keeps in the loop 'n linked me.

I use the thread of talkin' just as I would use the "What are you thinkin' 'bout?" thread. I posted what I was thinkin' 'bout, which happened to be that news story thanks to a friend who actually keeps in the loop 'n linked me.
So Chuck Norris raises a finger and your friends tells you about it?
Where can I get friends like that!

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