Insomniacs assemble!!

Yeah thats a gret cartoon so are the flintstones and the jetsons

I don't remember the Jetsons, I used to watch a little of the flintstones but I mainly went with Tom & Jerry. For some reason I always wanted Tom to win for once.
I've went through the furfag stage already, you know i'm tempted and Squid wants to push me over the cliff into the water. It's weird having old habits and you look back and you go "Really?! I was into that?!"

And people say they aren't related. Though if you are past it, there's not much sense in going back.
And people say they aren't related. Though if you are past it, there's not much sense in going back.

True, there is no reason to go back. this is what I remember going through. Crash Bandicoot > Timesplitters > Nintendo > Anime > Furfaggotrey > CoD > BF > PC gaming

There is no reason for me to go back to any of that is there?

Lol Smurfs is all I gotta say. I didn't watch that.
I guess PC is good, Nintendo i've been kinda meh with. Ain't too keen on shaking my arms around like a monkey to try and play a game though. Bring back the old controller set-up and i'm good to go with Nintendo.
Oh I see what you mean I like CounterStrike and Minecraft

I've been sticking exclusively to Killing Floor right now. I plan on branching out to other games soonish though. Oh and a wee bit of Isaac on the side.
You should pick it up during the Steam sale, i'm sure it'll be going for like a fiver or something during it.
- Oh look, Bxym is on his way to 100 posts a day again. WHAT A SURPRISE.

Just felt like coming back to this ol' site good memories

Aye it is isn't it. Minding that I been missing for two years until a few weeks ago.

And it's good to have both of ya back. :D

Next thing ya know, the entire 'mons forum crowd will return. WMBQ returnin' is clearly the herald of such an unlikely (read: impossible) phenomenon.

Wow the reason I came back wwas because a bunch of people on Xbox who are on wiichat wanted me to come baack so I did and now I realise how much I love wiichat

Didn't realize Wiichat had an XBL community... Ever. :lol:

Furfaggotrey > CoD

... I'm honestly not sure which one is moar deplorable.

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