Insomniacs assemble!!

^ ... What the ****? Where does this information come from? And DLC as in PAID DLC?

I've heard from numerous places that RDR had the "second refrigerator."

Not at all in my experience. All the optional content in the games (Stranger missions which are effectively side quests, Ambient Challenges, Bounty hunting, etc.) is just as enjoyable as the main missions themselves. The side content is also well-paced throughout the game so you don't get drowned in all that extra stuff 'n the experience isn't as fun. A game that's been scored so incredibly high in nigh-every game review, and praised as a game of the year with tons of awards isn't gonna suffer from such B-list game problems.

Point being, if you enjoy simply playing through the game's main missions, you'll enjoy most or all of the optional content.
So I bought Xenoblade yesterday, and I played it a little today. It's a new type of game for me, but I think I'm getting used to it. I like it.

My Wii is handling it well so far, which is surprising. And covering the thing with a box helps drown out the buzzing.
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Paid for DLC coming from Ninty... ? For Mario titles?!

... ... ...


My Wii is handling it well so far, which is surprising. And covering the thing with a box helps drown out the buzzing.

Don't throw out any spoilers, bro. >_>

Careful to not overheat it. Puttin' anythin' large/heavy on top of the Wii makes it much more prone to doing so.
Zelda is next, then they start cutting out bits of the game to sell to you.

Ive seen it all before
^ You're gaming the wrong way then, my friend.

Zelda is next, then they start cutting out bits of the game to sell to you.

Ive seen it all before

The fact that Ninty is entering the realm of paid DLC does somewhat irk me (OH MAH GAWD CHANGE, EVERYBODY PANIC!), but I damn-well have faith they aren't gonna go all Crapcom on us 'n start makin' us pay for locked on-disc content.

... Hopefully my faith doesn't end up as misplaced a decade or so from now.
The fact that Ninty is entering the realm of paid DLC does somewhat irk me (OH MAH GAWD CHANGE, EVERYBODY PANIC!), but I damn-well have faith they aren't gonna go all Crapcom on us 'n start makin' us pay for locked on-disc content.

... Hopefully my faith doesn't end up as misplaced a decade or so from now.

I'm hoping they won't either, I suspect Nintendo won't do an EA or Activision by going "hears a tiny expansion pack which we over priced!" Hopefully they'll get the pricing right for their DLC items instead of doing something like £20 for a few extra Mario levels or something.

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