Insomniacs assemble!!

I have now transferred my gaming of Xenoblade from my Wii to my PC and also imported my save. Wii no longer accepted any discs.
Aside from short occasional burst of ear rape and lag during fancy attacks, it does well. Doesn't hurt that it can do 720p either, along with other visual perks.
Yeah, my Wii broke as well, but I was just glad we got a hook up from a store owner. He told us he'd fix our Wii for 50 bucks. He couldn't, so he just gave us that one back and gave us a used one. So we have 2 Wiis and 3 Xbox 360s.
I just realized
I have been here for more than a year
I guess that qualifies me as a regular

And no bragging about your join date
i can read
^ Ah, yes... The '09 apocalypse. A travesty indeed.

- Speaking of, I joined June '08, so I've just reached my fourth year of membership. Winsauce.
- Pulled a muscle in my lower back terribadly. Sleep will be of even lesser quality than usual tonight... ._.

3 Xbox 360s.


You're goin' to hell for that.

I just realized
I have been here for more than a year
I guess that qualifies me as a regular

I'd say you've been a regular Wiichatter for quite a few months, bro. =D Particularly with that decent post count. :thumbsup:
1 for me, 1 for my brother, and 1 for my dad. I think my dad bought two of them :lol:. And then we all 3 have Live. So it's pretty sweet.

4 years. Wow. It almost means something.
- The summer weather has finally come. sadface
- It's been ages since I've pulled anythin' so badly, but I've up 'n healed overnight.
- Guess I'm [STRIKE]an overexaggerating, whiny *****[/STRIKE] back in shape. yey

4 years. Wow. It almost means something.

EXCUSE YOU! It damn well means something! D:<

... It means I have no life outside of the internet loooool.
This "DayZ" zombie survival mod for Arma II interests me... Too bad my PC is utter **** and sure as **** can't handle anythin' multiplayer related. ._.
I've watched some friends play it. It looked alright.

I've never been the one to really care for anniversarys. I just hope I don't forget mine in the future.

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