If you could change Goldeneye....

i can understand players lv 20 and below using it but what would be great is if that loadout had a lv cap so that only people lv 20 and below can use it, because by then they should have their own loadouts to use. it's when I see lv 30+ players using it when it really bothers me.
it shouldnt be apart of the loadout at all -_-" have a acog scope or silencer or sumting, not a friggin grenade launcher which yu hav to wait til the lvl 50s to get
i can understand players lv 20 and below using it but what would be great is if that loadout had a lv cap so that only people lv 20 and below can use it, because by then they should have their own loadouts to use. it's when I see lv 30+ players using it when it really bothers me.

True story. It gets real old real fast. If your ranked that high and are using the G.L., just give up.

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