If you could change Goldeneye....

I also like not having to use the headset, I have no desire to listen to kids yelling and throwing a fit
A pistols game would be awesome, me and my friends used to play pistols for hours
I like the explosives but I think that it should be more like the original Goldeneye with pistols as your only sidearm. We used to have games of proximity mines that lasted for hours
Lose the hackers would clean things up and make the lvls mean more
allowing up to 4 players from one console to play online would allow the Team Conflict mode to actually allow teams to work together
The spawning thing can become an issue when you spawn in the same spot 4 times in a row and get killed all 4 times because someone is cherry picking that location
Pistol game would be fun.
Spawning grace of a couple of seconds.
Ensuring everyone keeps their XP when a Host quits.
And obviously getting rid of the hacking.

Guess none of that will happen though :nonod:
Totally agree on level up XP its just too much. I am 5 days in to playing and am at level 36 and still have 19,XXX XP to level 37...... UGH this is going to take fooooorrrrrrrrreeeeeevvvveeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to get to level 56!

I like the pistols match idea, but people that have Kunara V & Wolfe .44 is an unfair advantage against the other less effective pistols. But I guess thats going to happen reguardless.

There is nothing wrong with Proximity Mines/Remote Mines if people dont abuse them ie. modding. Noobtubers piss me off to.

Spawning in the middle of ground zero is bull$h!t and spawning in the same spot 6 times in a row.

My number one complaint though is the "imaginary" wall/barrier that apply's to all structures and walls. Example i'll toss a Grenade/Mine and it bounces off or sticks to an invisible wall and bullets also get stopped by the same invisible wall. I can see through it but nothing else can penetrate it. It's mostly on Docks that really pisses me off when I am trying to Snipe between objects or near an object and my bullets get stopped by absolutely nothing. Please someone vouch for me that you know what I am talking about LOL.
My number one complaint though is the "imaginary" wall/barrier that apply's to all structures and walls. Example i'll toss a Grenade/Mine and it bounces off or sticks to an invisible wall and bullets also get stopped by the same invisible wall. I can see through it but nothing else can penetrate it. It's mostly on Docks that really pisses me off when I am trying to Snipe between objects or near an object and my bullets get stopped by absolutely nothing. Please someone vouch for me that you know what I am talking about LOL.

Yeah - this happens every once in a while. It's because you are hiding behind some cover (wall, box, whatev) and when you ADS it appears as if you're looking past the object, when actually your player/gun is still behind said object. Flaw - yes. Annoying - yes. But you die a few times and then you learn.
Well they need to devise a better system for spawning so that players arent killed within 2 seconds of spawning....

I once played a game where I spawned right in front of an enemy player. Curiously, neither of us instinctively fired, and he backed away (still facing me, just in case) and so did I. It's nice to occasionally play against someone who honours an unwritten code of conduct.

Yep, instead its a kid that sees a free kill because they lack skills.

I would like to see where you have 5 seconds after spawning to start running...takes away from those easy kills people get and don't deserve.
spawn killing is so satisfying. yesterday when two people came into the game i got em both with the strata. they must have been so pissed lol.
spawn killing is so satisfying. yesterday when two people came into the game i got em both with the strata. they must have been so pissed lol.

No its just a game I don't get pissed at games, why do you???
yeah. i do get pissed once in a while, but that doesn't stop me from laughing when other ppl rage. i bet after instantly being killed while entering that game those guys were like "what the ****?!?!" its funny to me when i do extremely cheap things in games that piss people off. ie when I play metal gear solid online training, I fire an RPG at a crowd of ppl and roflmao at their reactions on voice chat. Don't lie, you would enjoy doing that too.
spawn killing is so satisfying. yesterday when two people came into the game i got em both with the strata. they must have been so pissed lol.

I'm used to being spawn-killed so it hardly shocks me. Just saying that it's refreshing to occasionally play someone who's a little more mature.
I dont like it when people give you a cheap shot in the back cause they're pu$$ies and cant kill you face to face. I yell at the TV and find that little pos that shot me from behing and kill him a few times. In real life it's disrepectfull to shot someone in the back... ie backstabber. But I guess these rules dont comply with game play...... Honestly I wont shoot anyone in the back point blank range unless I can get their attention first.... If they're sniping ill sneak up and melee the bastard but thats the extent.

Dont shoot someone in the back and the second after they spawn, fight them like a man.


1. make a DLC. Because i have 4 maps in mind. the Plane Museum. Cradle. the MI6 headquaters and the Dam

2. easier xp

3. more realistic damage, you have to fire 5 bullets with the torka T3 to down a person

4. moar custimization. perks, weapons, variety

5. has to be more hardcore

6. bigger multiplayer. bigger maps and more players


1. the drumhead (spaz 12) should have the choice of being semi auto because it's only pump action on the game

2. instead of Multi Task replacing your secondary it should add another primary

3. there are only primary attachments no secondary attachments
Posts in red

I think the biggest thing that would help would to be to have dedicated servers that players could host on. I hate waiting and being kicked cause somebody quits the game. Also, would be nice to not lose the exp cause the host quits... Even if they dont have the servers, we shouldnt lose the exp

1) Fix the hero spawning problem

2) Host migration so everyone doesn't lose points- yes!

3) Disable quit when there is a minute left in game- no point!

4) Ability for host to kick people, like hackers, non-spawners, noob tubers, etc.-yes to a degree, a voting system would be nice

5) Fix hi cap glitch- not sure

6) More weapons, gadgets, and attachments, so the 40s aren't such a drag. There should be no empty level ups- agreed

7) More maps- yes

8) Less xp to level up- curved, yes

9) Level match up for matches-yes. there should be a cap of allowable levels of the players playing

10) Fix freeze issues- jesus yes

There's more I just can't think of anything else atm
Jedi Namor has some good points. I also wish the License to Kill modes were one-hit kills. To me there's not enough differentiation between these and the Conflict modes.